Part III: Chapter 2

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Inside the festival, we were surrounded by vendors, all selling pride-themed clothing and food and objects. It was fascinating to see how many things could be related to queer representation if it was modified just a little.

The people-watching opportunity was off the charts, but nothing less than I expected. People with beards in dresses, people wearing so much makeup they looked like dolls, people with no shirts at all, regardless of their gender, people with kids, people with family, people with a huge group of friends. They were all so happy to express themselves, so confident in everything they said and did, that you couldn't judge them if you tried.

Performers on a stage did some kind of interpretive dance with rainbow ribbons floating around their heads and their billowing skirts. Singers could be found scattered around the place, all singing songs they'd written themselves about self-love and acceptance into society.

After we'd been there about an hour, we bought sandwiches and water bottles from one of the vendors and sat in the shade.

"That sandwich looks hella good," a passing stranger said to Frank. "Where did you get it?"

"Oh, it is hella good. It's from that little tent over there. I recommend it," he replied, acting so casual that it was like he knew the guy.

"Sweet. Thanks. Hey, that paint on your arm is really cool."

It took me a second to realize he was talking to me. "It – oh, ah, thanks."

"Happy pride, bros." He walked away, toward where Frank had directed him.

"You, too!" Frank waved.

I looked at Frank. "Did you know him?"

"No," he shrugged. "Something about pride: everyone is your friend here. It's the best thing, isn't it?"

Everyone was my friend here? I guessed it made sense – every one of us was just looking for acceptance into a heteronormative world. Surely no one here cared about any conditions and instead considered everyone of equal worth.

It was unbelievable that a place like this was really real.


"We should get a pride flag!" Frank exclaimed as we were passing a booth selling them. I couldn't fight my adoring smile watching him act like a little kid at the sight of something he loved. He was so in his element.

There was a sign set up by the booth which listed out all kinds of sexuality and gender identity flags that they sold. Some of them were so specific I hadn't even heard of them.

"You know, now that I think about it, I asked you this a long time ago and it's not as relevant now, but... which one of these matches you?" He ran his finger absently down the list.

I kept my eyes on the sign, scanning all the different arrangements of letters and colors. None seemed to fit. I was disappointed that I couldn't give Frank an answer, but making it up would make things worse, right? "I gotta... I gotta be honest with you, Frank, I don't really know."

I hoped he wouldn't be frustrated by that, but still my worrying was futile. He squeezed my hand and it was a comfort. "That's okay. You don't have to put yourself in a box if you don't want to." He turned to the woman inside the tent and bought a huge rainbow flag for himself, which he then draped around his shoulders.

"What do you say we sit in the shade for a bit? I'm excessively hot," he suggested.

"True, you are." He laughed at my joke. "Only if ice cream is part of the deal."

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