Part III: Chapter 19

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"What a way to end the summer," Frank said, walking hand in hand with me toward the theater. "Going to an open-mic performance where I actually know someone up there."

"What a way to remember school is literally tomorrow," Ray added. Frank pushed him.

"Hey. Savor your last day," he joked. Ray scoffed at his blind optimism and changed the subject.

"When's Mikey performing?"

"He's one of the first acts, I think. We'll see all kinds of things tonight, I'm sure," I answered.

The show opened with a pair of boys in ski masks rapping about pain. Next up was a solo act, where a guy had pre-recorded tracks for him to sing along with. After that, more familiar people stepped onto the stage.

We applauded loudly for them. Walking up the stairs next was a very familiar face, along with three others I vaguely recognized from school, but couldn't attach a name to.

"YES, MIKEY!!" Ray screamed from next to me. I shouted encouragement toward the stage, and we caught his eye for a brief moment. He nodded smugly at us.

A very stereotypically-emo kid took his position at the front mic and spoke before beginning the song.

"How's everyone doing tonight?"

We cheered in reply.

"Awesome! I'm Pete Wentz, the lead singer of WING OF THE ANGEL!"

We cheered as a banner with their band's name fell from the ceiling. I wondered why they were able to rig that but no other act had, but it wasn't important.

"That's Dallon Weekes, our lead guitarist –"

He waved, and we cheered again.

"-that's our drummer, Jaime Preciado-"

He tapped a quick rhythm, cuing another cheer.

"-and our bassist, Mikey Way!"

We shouted as loudly as we could.

"A quick thing I wanted to say," Pete continued, "about this man right here. I know a lot of you out there are expecting a certain vibe from us, but we as a band have changed thanks to him. We've been having rehearsals together only for the past two months or so, but Mikey has brought forward a kind of conversation I never imagined to be able to have with anyone. We've talked about the deepest things and the most important things, and I've learned a lot from him. I am so proud to call him my best friend. Our band name has never been more real to me, now that I believe in angels. Mikey Way, the man who led me to our Lord, this one is for you."

I could tell this was completely impromptu by the astonished look on my brother's face, staring admirably toward his bandmate. I smiled at the exchange, so glad to see him be where he belonged.

The music started up and all three of us instantly recognized it as the first song they'd ever released. Mikey plucked out the familiar rhythm I'd heard from the enclosures of his room, but in context it sounded ethereal. The blend of all the instruments and all the rhythms into one common theme blew my mind, just as they had on the recording, only it was so much better live. Extra riffs, unexpected drum solos, all made the experience so different than when I'd been looping their recording a few months back.

Only, this time, the lyrics had changed.

He created you

And no matter who that you is

You are perfect in His eyes

Fearfully made

Wonderfully made

You are perfect in His eyes

I listened carefully, deeply appreciating the changes and loving the message it told to an audience who wasn't expecting to hear it. 

"Hey Frank?"


"How can we confirm," I asked slowly, choosing my words carefully, "that that's really true?" I nodded my head toward the stage, where Pete was singing the lyrics He loves the you He created, Our Father's love comes with no conditions, to indicate I meant that message.

"Well, if you want honesty," he said, "we can't."

I looked at him.

He turned his gaze back toward the stage, smiling a little. "God's the only judge! We humans can spend our whole lives on earth speculating, assuming, sorting, guessing, studying, but the fact is only God knows what He truly wants and what He doesn't. The fact is, we could very easily all be wrong. There's a chance we're misinterpreting it. There's a chance that the entire Bible was translated from Hebrew incorrectly. There's a chance there's no God at all."

I watched him, and his gaze became distant, like he was staring at something just beyond and above the stage where my brother played. Like he was seeing an angel there, or like he was speaking to God Himself. For all I knew, maybe he was.

"I just don't believe that."

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