Chapter 1: Young Town

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Clay's P.O.V.

Schedules have never been my thing and this place is wired through the roof with schedules. I'm losing my mind, more so than I already have. Every day at 2 a session with a therapist. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner served at the exact same time with the same options. Which there are only two options per meal. We have to be to our rooms by 8. Lights out at 9. Then it just repeats and repeats and repeats and...

Even Miss B comes at a scheduled time for her daily visits. 10:05 a.m. Luckily, our conversations aren't circular. She keeps me updated on her life that is slowly easing back into her ballet life. She can't tell me anything about Justin's life due to the psychiatrist's orders. When Taylor comes, she sometimes slips and tells me things about Selena. She tells me to forget what she said, but I can't let that go. I mean, this is Selena that we're talking about.

Today, my schedule is going to be different because, for the first time in half a year, my little brother is finally coming to visit me. Taylor did the sleuthing to track him down and convinced him to come and see me. Apparently, he didn't even know that I was locked up here so she didn't have to do too much convincing.

I'm patiently waiting for those doors to open. At any moment, he's going to walk through those doors with an employee and they're going to guide my little brother over to me. My fingers tap against the table. The other patients are talking to their family members that are visiting. For the ones that don't have visitors, they are talking to each other.

My psychiatrist suggested making friends here. I don't have an interest in making any friends because I'm going to be leaving this place any time now. I had a plan to get out of here within six months, but that's clearly not working. What more do these people want from me? I talk to my psychiatrist daily and I'm actually taking my meds now. In the past three months, I haven't attempted anything. They should just let me roam the streets of New York again. Do they really expect me to get better if I'm boxed up day after day?

The doors open and in comes, my brother. The employee he's with, Chord, points me out. I wave to Young Town and he waves back. Nervously, he walks over and takes a seat across from me. I smile at him and thank him for coming.

He says, "Well, I would've come sooner if I knew you were here."

I comment, "It isn't exactly something that I'm broadcasting across New York."

"The least you could've done is tell me and dad," Young Town complains.

Miss B did tell my dad and he was only disappointed in me. He doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. Not that he did beforehand. As for Young Town, he would've known if he hadn't changed his phone number and if I knew the names of the kids that he runs around town with.

"Look, you know now that I'm here Young Town and I'm grateful that you're here," I tell.

He folds his arms and huffs, "You're only grateful because you want something from me."

It offends me how he believes that I had Taylor track him down just so I could exploit his freedom. However, he isn't wrong. I need him and his freedom. He's the only one who can help me. After everything I've put Taylor through, I couldn't possibly ask for another favor from her. I need a new ally, specifically one that Selena won't recognize and completely fly under Justin's radar.

Not wanting to dance around the point, I give in, "Yep, I need you. I need your help Young Town."

He closes his eyes and brings his hand up to his temple. While he's rubbing his forehead, I glance around the room. There isn't one nurse in sight and every other patient in here is preoccupied with their visitor. This is my only chance. Young Town better not screw this up.

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