Chapter 19: Let Me Worry

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Selena's P.O.V.

Justin is staring at me wide-eyed. An expression entirely hard to read. His eyes were the only thing to react to my words. With that being the only thing, I should've been able to determine what's going on through his mind. But I can't.

He looks distant. While his eyes are on me, he seems in an entirely different place. Maybe he's still processing what I had to say? Should I say something else to get a reaction out of him other than this distant stare? I decide to give him another minute. When nothing happens, I know that it's time to say something. Justin has just become such a pro at saying nothing.

"Look, Justin, I didn't tell you this with the expectations that it would fix things between us. I wanted to tell you because you deserve to know. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me...just let me worry about it. I just wanted to make sure that you knew," I say.

That's when Justin finally moves. He gets up from the booth. Only he doesn't walk away. He comes to my side of the booth and takes my hand. Justin gently pulls me up from the booth and holds me in his arms. He's hugging me so tight like he's never going to let go of me.

His hands are rubbing my shoulder blades. My head is pressed against his chest. I can hear his heart beating. It's slow yet frantic and this makes me feel better. That he might actually be just as worried as me. He then kisses my forehead and I look up at him.

"Selena, I screwed up. I shouldn't have done anything with Aria. I should've said sorry sooner. I love you. I love you with all of my heart and these past few days have been a complete hell. I know that things can't go back to normal, but I'd like to try and make things okay between us. Please. This news took me by complete surprise and I truly am happy for you. For us. I know that this isn't the almighty solvent between us, but I want to be there for you. For this baby. That is, if you let me," Justin expresses.

I hold Justin tighter and I'm so happy that tears are pouring out of my eyes. Happy tears. Justin wipes the tears from my face.

"Of course, I will," then I lean my head back against his chest and just beg for this moment to survive for a long time.

* * *

We leave the cafe together. We're holding hands. Forrest notices me with Justin and is shocked at the sight. I signal him to go on ahead. He nods and keeps an eye on me until a person blocks me and Justin.

Justin looks to me, wanting me to lead the way. We aren't really sure where we're supposed to go from here. All I care about is the fact that he knows and that he's here for me. He's holding my hand so tight. Like he's afraid to lose me.

"The theatre isn't far from here," I say for the sake of just saying something.

Justin nods, "What time is your rehearsal over?"

He's acting like everything is fine and dandy. For the most part that is. I don't know how he was able to make this all feel so normal. That we're on the road to recovery. I really would like to think that we are, but I have no clue where this is going to go.

Yes, we're holding hands. Yes, he's here with me. Yes, he's taking an interest in my dancing. With all these yes's, there have to be no's. Well, in this case, more of the unknown.

"It should be over by 10 tonight," I say.

"Do you want me to come and pick you up afterward?" he offers.

I'm taken by surprise. Complete surprise. I was honestly prepping for the worst when I told Justin. I spent so much time worrying about him not accepting it that I didn't think about the positive side of things. Why did I underestimate him so much?

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