Chapter 12: It Almost Happened

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Forrest's P.O.V.

Taylor finally wakes up and flattens out her bed head. I'm in the connected bathroom brushing my teeth. My alarm went off ten minutes ago and that didn't wake her. Yet, me brushing my teeth is what woke her up. Even though I told her and Justin that Selena wouldn't be coming home, Justin insisted on staying for another hour.

Since I needed sleep and him and Taylor were both convinced that Selena would come back in the night, I told him only one hour. However, I'm sure that Taylor allowed him to stay longer than that. I'm not sure what her angle is here. I don't know how Selena is going to feel about Taylor bringing Justin here and I'm actually kind of glad that she decided to stay somewhere else. If Selena had come back to the apartment, all hell would have broken loose.

She looks over at the clock and asks, "Selena isn't back yet?"

I spit out the toothpaste, rinse out my mouth then answers, "She should be here soon."

"Are you nervous for the audition?" she follows me out of the bathroom and over to the bed.

While putting everything I need in my dance bag, I remind her of how important this audition is. Yes, Selena and I have other auditions lined up. Having been in Charlie's Swan Lake, our names are out there in the dance world. It gives us an edge. But to be cast in this production would open up, even more, doors for us.

Normally, I'm not nervous for auditions. For this one, I am. It's the first actual audition that is outside of The Key To Dance. It's nerve wracking and wonderful all at once. I zip up my dance bag then grab the folder that my portfolio is in.

"I know how to handle my nerves," then I kiss her on the forehead.

The front door of the apartment opens and Selena calls out my name. Anxiously, Taylor and I rush to the front of the apartment. Now, I know Taylor's interest is where Selena was at last night. I'm interested in knowing too, only, Taylor is just going to have to wait. Selena and I have an audition to worry about.

Selena rushes to the back of the apartment to change out of her dress and into her ballet attire. Already, she has everything prepared to leave. With the number of costume changes and quick changes we have done in our lives, Selena shouldn't be long.

When Selena closes the door to hers and Taylor's room, Taylor gasps with wide eyes, "When you said Selen had other sleeping arrangements last night, I didn't think that you meant—"

I interrupt, "Look, I don't know what Selena did or didn't do last night. All I know is that we have an audition to go to right now."

Taylor folds her arms over the idea that Selena and I are leaving close to three hours before our audition. She doesn't understand. Always supportive about the big auditions, but doesn't understand why we insist on leaving so early.

Out of the back of the apartment, Selena runs. Her dance bag is whipping against her side. She rushes in my direction and clasps my hand. We start to run for the front door. Rather than telling Selena that Justin came over last night, she just tells her she wants to hear about how the audition went and what she was doing last night.

On purpose, Selena doesn't reply. We dash out the door and head for the stairs of the apartment complex. While I do want to know the details of Selena's night, I know that we need to be in the right headspace. The only thing that should be on our minds is rehearsing for our auditions.


We're at one of the many theatres on the street. There are thousands of ballet dancers in the area. All of which are in their formal ballet attire and doing exercises to prep themselves. It's astounding how many people have come out for this, considering no one knows anything about the ballet except for the fact that the new choreographer is supposed to be amazing.

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