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Justin's P.O.V.

Talking over the phone with Selena's dad was the least of my worries. Discussing my decision with my mom was difficult since she believes that I'm rushing into things. However, with the benefit of being a legal adult, I don't need her permission. I knew from the day I met Selena that she was the girl I was going to marry. All I'm hoping is that she's going to say yes.

Nervously, I sit in the center seat of the front row in the auditorium. The second half of the show has started and I can feel my nerves increasing by the second. There are only three people, excluding myself, who know about this spontaneous decision. Selena's dad knew first since I needed his blessing. My mom second, since she would kill me if I didn't mention it beforehand. Lastly, Charlie since he noticed me keeping my hand in my pocket earlier and when he scared me, my hand and the box the ring is resting in, flew out of my pocket.

Charlie promised not to say a word. He also already mentioned to the other dancers the Selena will it be there for the final after party tonight. They wondered why Selena wouldn't be there, but Charlie made sure they wouldn't ask her why she wouldn't be in attendance.

Since Selena woke up this morning, she's been nothing but bittersweet. She's happy that she got to live out her dream, but now she's facing the reality of waking up. I'm hoping what I have in store will change her attitude. Originally, the show was supposed to wrap up in New York, but things got rearranged. Which forced Charlie to move the last show to a town in Connecticut.

This altered my plans in the best way possible. Originally, it was supposed to be in front of a large audience, but I've come to the realization that this is going to be our moment. It only needs to be between me and Selena.

Selena begins the famous 32 fouettes in Swan Lake. She starts the first one and I can see on her face how badly she's going to miss performing those turns on stage. By the fourth one, she's embracing the turn like it's no one's business.

"That's my girl," I smile.


Backstage, I'm searching everywhere for Selena. During their final bows, Selena started bawling. As soon as those curtains closed, I jumped up from my seat. Only the audience were moving as fast as a pack of cheetahs. Of all performances, this had to be the one where the audience decided they had to leave the show as fast as they possibly could. Damn you Connecticut.

Through the bundled up crowd, I'm hardly snaking my way through. People don't have the courtesy to move off to the side when they want to stand around and discuss the show. Well, in their defense, they are unable to move to the side.

Finally, I'm breathing the muffled air of the lobby. With not as many people around, I'll easily be able to find my way to the backstage door. After I successfully charge through the crowd, I stand before the door marked with a gold star. To my dismay, it's locked.

Pounding on the door, I beg for someone to open it. They most likely think I'm some deranged fan after the incident in Nevada. While they were doing their second show in Nevada, some guy, who recognized Resa from the non-smoking ads, just had to meet her. He broke in backstage, dressed as a janitor, and then proceeded to show his great love for Resa. The only way he thought to do this, was to strip down to nothing. Now, he's in prison for indecent exposure.

I can't blame Charlie for locking the backstage door. However, he should've had the decency to give me a key. After all, I'm working on the production of this show and I'm the boyfriend of the lead dancer! Eventually, after fifteen minutes of kicking and screaming for the door to be opened, Resa's understudy opens the door for me.

Thanking her came out in a slur due to how fast I was talking and from the fact that I started running. The other dancers are crying as well over the show being over, but none of them as bad as Selena. Everywhere I look, I see dancer after dancer. Not on them happens to be Selena.

Sharing the Spotlight *Jelena Ballerina Series* (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now