Chapter 9: The Best News

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Theler's P.O.V.

Every fact that I memorized about marriages under the age of 25 flew out of my head when I saw the look on Selena's face. She looked completely beaten down. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she just seemed to be in pain. Even with whatever she was going through, she apologized to me. I was stupid enough to say something that would blow my cover. So I hurriedly scurried off.

Last night, I watched Justin since I couldn't find a trace of Selena. Since Justin was at a bar, I had to sit outside and watch through the windows. What luck I had with him being in areas of the bar where he was visible through a window. He was with a pretty girl all throughout the night. They were kind of all over each other. Then they left together. I followed them back to Justin's apartment, but that's where I had to stop my spying for the night.

However, with Selena being on this street near Justin's apartment, this could only mean one thing. I start to run toward Justin's apartment. By the time I get to the building, I see that same girl Justin was with last night. She's wearing the same clothes, only her gloves are missing. She's walking so fast. So fast that it's like she's trying to escape a building that is on fire. There isn't a sign of Justin.

Something happened last night with Justin and Selena. Something terrible.

My phone buzzes. I fish it out of my pocket and read the text message from Declan. Are we hanging out today or spying?

So I reply with that I'm going to see Clay and that I'll meet up with him and the guys tonight.

Under the assumption that Justin and Selena are no longer on speaking terms, this will send Clay over the moon. So far that he's not going to want me to spy on them! His only concern will be getting better so he can get out of that place. Then we can all be a family again!

Shoving my phone into my pocket, I step onto the curb of the streets. Cabs are beginning to flow down the street. Excitedly, I wave my arms. Finally, I get the attention of the seventh cab to pass me.

* * *

"You promise me that you're not messing with me?" Clay confirms.

There would be nothing to gain from lying to Clay. He only deserves the truth. That's all that can make Clay better. When I nod my head, Clay jumps up from his seat. He's so happy that he starts to dance around the socializing room. His sudden happy-go-lucky attitude fills the room.

Other patients are dancing around. Even their visitors. Even the nurses start to dance along. Clay's happiness is just that contagious. It's been a long time since I've seen him this happy. It's just how his happiness is at the cost of other people's.

Clay twirls down into his seat and has a smile absorbing his face, "This is the best news!"

"I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but I did notice that Selena still had her ring on," I reveal.

His smile surprisingly doesn't falter. In fact, his optimism is higher than a kite. He thinks Selena is just going through an emotional time and hasn't had time to process everything. He believes that she doesn't even realize that she's still wearing the thing.

Does he realize that she might still be wearing the ring because Selena and Justin just might rekindle their love? Plus everything I told Clay is only based on my observations! Maybe Justin didn't sleep with that girl and he and Selena only had an argument. I would only know the truth if I were one of them.

I interrupt, "Clay, it's great seeing you like this. Keep that smile going. Just not at the expense of this."

Confused, Clay wonders, "I don't understand Young Town. Why did you tell me all of this if you're just going to puke all over my happiness?" He folds his arms and shoots a pouty look my way.

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