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I'm Synthia Roberts, yes I know. It's spelled very weird. I just moved into Broward County, Florida and I'm going to some high school that's walking distance from my home. My mom dropped me off and I got my schedule and checked the seating charts.

I have to sit next to someone in Chemistry. I think his name is Stokeley, but I really don't know. They let me sit in the back like I requested and the principal is someone cool. Nice school you may think. But no.

They fight, get high, bully each other, skip, all this other shit. I'm not a goody two shoes, but I ain't like them. I'm more of a loner type. Never had friends, went to movies by myself type girl. I'm a little weird, but I don't like showing that side to someone unless they really earn it. That's very rare too.

I went to my first class which was Algebra 2. I was handed a class packet and I did it through the first twenty minutes. I still had twenty more minutes in this classroom. I just went started playing a game on my phone as people talked over the teacher and pissed him off and all that. Someone tried to fight someone else and I just watched as they pushed each other around like preschoolers.

I learned to fight really young. About four. My mom took me to classes every other day and I enjoyed them a lot. I took down the teacher easily when I turned eight. I just continued fighting until I moved away from home. Now I just teach my brothers.

I only had one friend in California. His name was Timothy McCrackin. I would run up and ask him "What's crackin, McCrackin?" And he would just laugh at me. He even asked me out one time, but I said no. I planned on being alone until 20 when I have my great overdose in public.

"Synthia," the teacher said to me. I sighed and looked up from my phone and the teacher gave me an awkward smile, "Why don't you come introduce yourself?", he asked me. I groaned and got up and walked in front of the class. Why the hell was he making me do this in the middle of the class?

"Call me Sosa. Don't talk to me, don't ask me where I'm from. Just leave me be. Cool? Cool," I said and I went to go sit back down. The dude I was sitting behind turned around and he had a tattoo on his neck and under his eye. It was a freaking elephant.

"You're Sosa?", he said and I frowned and nodded. Did he not just hear me say that, "Inspiration you are," he said and I smiled.

The only reason he said that was because I was a Soundcloud rapper. Yes, I know, I don't seem like one, but I am. I think I'm pretty good. But yeah, I guess. The title of my songs are in Yoda. So like "I'm your father", by for my song "Father I am your".

"What's your name?", I asked and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Jahseh," he said and I nodded. That's unique. I sat back in my seat as he turned around. I hope me and Jahseh can at least be friends.

My next period was Chemistry with Stokeley. Turns out he listened to my music too.

"You're basically famous, but you want to go to college?", Stokeley asked me and I shrugged.

"My mama wanted me to go, so I want to go," I said and he nodded.

"I might as well drop out," he said and I nodded.

"Hang in there," I said. I'm really happy that I have no girl fans. I mean, I may have some, but I'm glad I haven't come in contact with any yet. In Oakland, they would want to rap some of my verses to me, but I'm just like why. But I do it anyways.

I have had to introduce myself to two more classes after chemistry and it was pretty irritating. I won't get used to this anytime soon.

It was finally lunch after PE and I was hungry as fuck. I just put in my headphones and listened to Lil Yachty. I went and got me some food and I ate it alone at a table in the corner of the cafeteria.

I put my head down and just listened to music until the bell rang for the last three classes. I didn't introduce myself in those. I just did all the work and everyone left me alone. That's how it's supposed to be.

I walked out of the school, and me not knowing how to get around, couldn't walk home. I just walked around for a bit before I declared I was definitely lost. I looked around and I was suddenly in front of a tattoo shop. I decided to get a tattoo.

My mom wouldn't care about what I did with my body. As long as they aren't visible to her eyes, she doesn't care. For example, the cuts on my thighs from when I thought I needed friends to get through high school.

"Can I get Alone in Japanese?", I asked the guy standing at the counter. He shrugged and asked for thirty dollars and led me to a woman in the back. She was covered in tattoos which was pretty awesome.

"Alone in Japanese please?", I asked sitting down in the chair.

"You're an eager one," she said to me, "I'm Jazzy."

"Sosa," I said as she leaned me back, "I want it right under my right boob," I said lifting my shirt up.

"Sosa. Where'd you get that from?", she said as she started doing something with a pen.

"Chief Keef," I said and she nodded. We continued the small talk and she said that she understood kids like me. Kids that weren't really cared about, or they were too cared about that they had to leave. Someone else came in as she started drawing on me. I winced.

It felt like something was pinching me from the inside out, but it began to feel good afterwards. Jazzy was done in an hour or two. Then she gave me some cream. I got up and saw the person that came in and it was Jahseh.

Now I feel a little embarrassed. Jahseh smirked at me as I walked off. No one was supposed to see that tattoo but me and the artist anyways. Fuck him.

I got home a little late that night. I did my homework and I brushed my teeth and laid down. Not even bothering to touch a plate of food. My mom was home, getting ready to go out with her friend that she moved out here for.

"Goodnight love," my mom said and I nodded at her and when I heard that front door close. I just went to texting Timothy about my day.

NotTimmyThick: Hey babzilla how was ur day

Sosatooquick: Ew wtf

NTT: Damn girl I'm just kidding. How was ur day tho

STQ: Met a couple of guys who liked my music. I got a tattoo.


STQ: Fuck no. It's only for me and my beautiful brown eyes only. Well goodnight it's like 11 out here.

NTT: Fuck now I'm gonna b bored without my b. Imma miss u b. Luv u

STQ: Luv u too bro

And with that at fell asleep

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