1️⃣5️⃣Q U I N C E1️⃣5️⃣

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The more I think about what happened to day the more I want to stab myself in the throat about it. Ming came up to my table at lunch and sat next to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Meet me in the back of the school. Call me when you get there," he said and I shrugged when he got up and walked off. I guess he wanted me to apologize for punching him. I don't know.

I was standing by the "weed dumpster" that we would all stand around during freshman year. I called Ming and it took him a while to answer.

"Don't do anything or he will blow your ducking brains out," he said and I didn't realize the guy crouched behind the dumpster with a gun aimed at me. I frowned.

"What the hell is this?", I said and he had already hung up. I heard this shuffling and they dragged someone into my sight. Their legs scrapping against the concrete and they didn't make a word.

Ski held the person that they were dragging up by their hair and I saw Synthia's face scrunched up in pain as Ming threw the first punch into her torso. I was about to run over to him, but I heard The Guy's gun cock and I stopped myself and just watched in pure anger as they beat her half to death.

They beat her for about thirty minutes and then they dropped her and ran off when she started to cough uncontrollably. Ming called me again and told me to walk away or the guy would shoot me. She looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and I started crying.

I never cry. Damn it. I walked away before I would do something I didn't already regret.

I was sitting outside smoking since my mom doesn't allow that in her house. I was trying to get what happened today off my mind. The more I thought about her hurt the more it hurt me. I should've done something. Even if it meant getting killed. They probably would've killed her after me.

I barely started and I saw Pump walking up my driveway. I got up and frowned. He only left that house for a bitch, to make music, or if there was someone who needed to get killed.

"X there's a problem," Pump said rubbing his hands together.

"What happened?", I asked.

"That girl Isaiah loves took my gun. I didn't even notice until I walked out of the house, but the door was locked and-", I didn't hear the rest. I just went and kicked Synthia's door a few times and it flew open.

I ran upstairs following he sound of crying. Her room door was wide open and I didn't see her anywhere. Is she in the bathroom? I walked out of her room and to the hallway bathroom and I didn't see her. The crying stopped though.

I ran back to her room remembering there being a bathroom in there too. I kicked the door because it was locked. The crying just got louder and louder. I kicked one last time on the handle and it broke off.

There she was. Sitting on the floor with the gun to her head. There was blood all over the floor. Which was confusing to me because why would there be. She didn't pull the trigger and there were no fresh cuts on her wrists or anything.

That's when she looked me right in the eye and frowned as she pulled the trigger...

<Ok. So. Idk what will happen after this?>

Lol jk. I have everything planned out.

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