🔟D I E Z🔟

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I walk into school seeing them all hugged up. I saw his hand under her shirt and my blood began to boil. Synthia was smiling at him like an idiot and that just made me even more angry. I felt someone grab my hand and I looked over and saw Geneva.

"What are you doing?", I asked her and she smiled at me.

"Holding your hand silly," she said and I groaned. I let her drag me over to where Synthia and Isaiah were standing.

"How does it feel being a hoe?", Geneva asked her and Synthia tilted her head in confusion. Isaiah moved in front of her with a smile on his face.

"Don't call her what you are. You have more STD's than a prostitute," Isaiah said and I almost laughed. That's what we used to say about Geneva before Synthia was even known. I was going to laugh, but Geneva hit my arm.

"Who even are you?", Synthia said looking at Geneva with a frown on her face. Geneva rolled her eyes and walked away, pulling me with her.

I know I won't be able to forget about her, but I can make her life a living hell. She hurt me. I'm gonna hurt her.

Synthia (changing POV mid chapter waaaaaat)

What's up with X though. He over here like 'iM s0 5oRry' now him and his girl wanna ruin my life. Wtf. I didn't let her get to me anyways, I ain't got nothing against her. If she got something against me she is going to have to talk to me like I'm a human being.

Isaiah gripped my hand and I looked up at him. He had this look on his face. Like he regretted everything that he did. I sighed and looked down. He was thinking about something and it scared me to think about what he was thinking about.

"Synthia," Isaiah said and I looked at him, "I don't want you to let them get to you. Please," he said and I frowned.

"What?", I asked and he sighed.

"I don't want you to start again. I just wanna make you happy," he said and I smiled at him.

"You do make me happy," I said and he hugged me.

"You make me happy too," he said and I blushed. For the first time in my life, I felt heat rush up to my cheeks and I was smiling extremely hard. What he does to me is breathtaking. It will be sad to leave him in 3 years.

We went to class and I didn't come in contact with Jahseh until PE. I was shooting a basketball and I was suddenly rammed into. I slid across the gym floor and I hit my head on the wall. I opened my eyes and groaned looking at all these people around me. I remember what he said and I shouted his name.

"Isaiah! Isaiah!", I yelled and I heard someone tell people to clear out of the way. My vision was blurry for a second and my heart was thumping out of my chest. The person pulled me up and wrapped their arms around me. I finally regained my vision and I saw Isaiah beating the crap out of some Asian dude. I frowned and looked at who was helping me.

I saw a familiar elephant tattoo and I pushed him away from me. I walked over to Isaiah and tried to pull him off of the guy. Isaiah looked at me and lunged at me, pulling me into a hug. My head felt like hell, but the guy Isaiah beat the crap out of looked like he just went to hell and came back.

"You didn't have to do that," I said and he kissed my forehead.

"He shouldn't have put his hands on a female," Isaiah said angrily. I nodded as he lead me to the nurses office.

The lady told me I had a concussion and my mom picked me up and brought me to the hospital. I don't really want to go into detail there. I don't really remember and everything is all jumbled up.

Right now, I'm at home. Waking up from a nice nap and subconsciously murmuring something about sponge bob. I watched some cartoons and took a shower. I still had an headache so I was going to go back to sleep.

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