4️⃣C U A T R O4️⃣

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This nigga really tried flirting with her. I hope he don't get too attached because we all know she mine. Mines forever. I got a notification that Sosa posted a new song. I decided to listen to it. It was good, but her voice didn't sound right for it. I decided to ask her if I could make a remix to it.

I got up and checked my hair before going over to her place. I don't know why, but I wanna look good for her you know. I ran out of my door just to be stopped by my momma.

"Hey Ma," I said and she smiled at me.

"We are having dinner with the neighbors," she said handing me a big glass pan. It burned so freaking bad.

"This is hella hot," I said and she shot me a look.

"Don't curse at me," she said and I nodded at her, "This woman at my job just moved here. She has a daughter about your age, I think she goes to your school," Mama explained to me. I nodded again as she grabbed a bowl of salad and opened the door.

This has to be the whitest shit I've ever done in my life, but Mama did say she was trying to change. She's been working more too. I know she's stressed.

Mama knocked on the door of Synthia's house and she opened it. I swear she stopped breathing once she laid her eyes on me. I know I did. She had on a black, skin-tight t-shirt and ripped jeans.

We walked inside and you could hear these voices. It sounded like a lot and I walked in and saw twins sitting on the couch playing video games with each other.

"Mama! You got some company!", Synthia yelled up stairs. She took the pan from me and put it on the table and I shook out my arms. I watched as she put plates on the table and my mom told me to go help her.

"Hey," I said as I walked over to her.

"Hello, sex offender," she said getting the silverware out of the drawers and I grabbed them out of her hands.

"I'm sorry," I said and she took the silverware away from me.

"No you're not," she said and I frowned. How in the hell is she supposed to know if I'm sorry or not?


"You had all day to tell me that you're sorry, but you didn't," well. She had a point.

"Why'd you go to sleep so late last night?", I asked her and she shrugged.

"Why you keep stalking me?", Synthia whispered and her two brothers came into the dining room. How does she do that?

Her mom came in and Synthia made her way up the stairs. Maybe to where her room was.

"Stay down for dinner," her mom said and I could sense a shift in Synthia's attitude. Her eye twitched and she came back down the stairs and sat down across from me next to one of her brothers.

Our moms talked constantly. I just watched Synthia eat and I didn't touch my food at all. My mom began telling the story of how I fought off that guy who was beating her when I was 6. It seemed as if Synthia wasn't listening at all, but she laughed when my mom told hers that I bit him.

"I'm going upstairs," Synthia said and she got up and took her plate into the kitchen and rinsed it off. Her mom whispered for me to go up to her room. My mom nodded and I shrugged. I heard her mom tell mines that Synthia never really had friends and she used to be suicidal. What did they do to her back then?

When I opened the door, the smell of jolly ranchers hit my nose and I went and sat on her bed. She came in and she gasped. She put a hand on her chest as if I scared her.

"Fuck are you doing in here?", Synthia asked me.

"My bad, Synthia. Yo mama told me to come in here," I said and she frowned at me.

"Only my friends call me Synthia and I only have one," she said so me. Since I'm a sucker for her, let me refer to her as Sosa form now on.

"Only my friends call me Jahseh and I would like for you to be one of them."

"What's your nickname?"

"X", I said and she came and sat next to me.

"Okay, X, wanna watch a movie?", I frowned at her and shook my head. I leaned in and tried to kiss her but she leaned away from me. I chuckled.

"What's wrong?"

"I ain't that easy. It's only been three days," Sosa said laughing, "The fuck you think this is," she said as she put in a movie. It was Monsters Inc. I loved this movie.

We sat there for a while before my mom called me downstairs. Sosa gave me a peace sign as I walked out the door. I waved goodbye and went down stairs.

I realized that she didn't push me out of her room when I tried to kiss her. Or hurt me in any type of way. I realized that she wanted company for once. Just someone to sit and watch kids movies with. She needed someone that could make her feel comfortable even though it's just me. She was lonely and I could see right through her.

I laid in bed thinking about this and I realized I never got to ask her about the song. I'm so stupid. I'll just ask her tomorrow, if I remember.

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