3️⃣T R E S3️⃣

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Did he really just say that to me? Did he really just get my panties soaked this early in the morning? How? Why? Then we live next to each other, just my luck. I looked over at Isaiah who just smiled at me. This kid.

When I class was over, I went straight to chemistry, trying to avoid Jahseh in all ways possible. I just texted Timothy as the chemistry teacher rambled on about metal bonds.

"Is that your boyfriend," Stokeley asked me. I remember him telling me to call him Ski yesterday.

"Nah," I said and he nodded. He didn't talk to me for the rest of the class which I was glad for. I got tired of talking already and the day barely started.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. I was happy about that too. I just wanted to go home and listen to some music. I did get home actually and it was quite a story.

Let's start off with me getting in a car with Isaiah because I couldn't remember where the fuck I lived. I just told him to take me to Jahseh's house and he did. I mean, Isaiah is very sweat and very fine, but I need to be very alone so I can get off this very Earth. I can't have anyone holding me back.

"Thanks, Isaiah," I said. He smiled and opened his arms. I sighed and leaned over and wrapped my arms around his neck for a split second. I tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let go.

"You smell like candy," he said laughing and I just laughed with him. He's hella weird. He let me go and I opened the door and waved to him as I walked inside my house. I ran up to my room not caring that my brothers where cleaning out the food in the kitchen.

"Don't burn nothing up!", I yelled down as I ran up the stairs. I have two brothers and they're twins. Henry and Lorenzo. They're like 12 and all they do is eat and play basketball.

I did all of my homework and I decided to make a new beat for a song. I took off my shirt because it was hot and I left my sweat pants on. I laid on my bed and I started making up some crazy shit until it all came together.

I saved it and checked the time. It was one am. Fuck, I'm gonna be hella cranky tomorrow. I closed my laptop and shut off my light. I went to sleep thinking about my lyrics.

I woke up and turned on my music and got in the shower. I put on some black jeans and a random t-shirt. I repainted my nails black and I walked out of the door. I am so fucking tired.

I tried to sleep through most of my classes and I didn't eat anything at lunch. Today has had to be the worst day in my life. I couldn't sleep for some unknown reason and I was extremely tired.

I felt someone staring at me and I turned around and saw Isaiah. His eyes locked on mine then he blushed and looked away. I turned back around and looked down. He's gonna get himself hurt.

School ended soon enough and I wasn't more happy in my life. I went home instantly and decided to finish my song. I went inside my closet and plugged up my microphone to some random outlet that was in there and I began to freestyle. There was then a knock on my door.

I stopped recording and I opened it so see Henry standing there smiling up at me.

"I made you some lyrics. Check em out," he said smiling at me. I nodded and gave him a hug and told him to go do his homework. I looked at the lyrics and they were very interesting. He basically wrote about my life in sloppy pencil and he got everything right. Does he really pay attention to me that much?

I turned on the more slow beat that I made back in California, but I couldn't find any words to make the actual song. I turned my microphone back on and turned on the beat and I began to sing. In this deep voice, but I would put in a higher octave later on.

[Garret's Revenge. But in this book it's called Cry Dont]

I finished the song and put it up on SoundCloud. Then I made everyone know That I made a new song by social media.

I did my homework and I heard a knock on the door. I went down and opened it.

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