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This new girl was fucking beautiful. I don't even know how I'm containing myself right now. I got a text from Isaiah telling me to meet him at IHOP. Who doesn't love fucking IHOP?

I was driving home by the time they called me. I lived couple of blocks from this tattoo shop. I watched Synthia as she went in. I walked across the street slowly so she wouldn't hear me.

I've been wanting to meet her for a while now. I saw her on twitter and she made some lit ass music. I started rapping on SoundCloud before I've heard of her though. I just wanted to see what she was like in person.

I walked inside the room her and Jazzy were in and she just laid their with a face as straight as she could keep it. I smiled at her as I leaned on the wall. It was a tattoo in some language and it looked familiar. I pulled my sleeve up and looked at the small Japanese tattoos and it meant forever. 永久. I looked at her stomach and tilted my head. 一人で.

I just watched as Jazzy talked to her. How her brown skin looked so soft. Her finger nails were painted black and she had drawing running up her hand. I think it's called Henna. Synthia didn't have much to offer, but it felt like she could give me everything I wanted. When she was done, she sat up and looked at me.

I smirked at her showing her one of my dimples. Instead, she frowned and left. I sighed and looked at Jazzy. I told her to give me three dots above and under my eye.

I went over to Stokeley's, but he was fucking some girl. I decided to go over to Isaiah's and smoke, but he didn't go to his dealer today. Coincidental, right? Guess I'm taking my ass home.

I went home and I heard this loud ass music coming from the house next door. I looked out my window and I saw some girl texting on her phone in a sports bra. When she turned around I saw the same tattoo from before. Dude what the fuck?

She goes to my school, she lives right next door to me, what now? I don't think she knew I was watching her. She smiled widely at her phone. I wanna make her smile like that one day.

"Jahseh! You eating?", my mom yelled up at me.

"Nah Mama!", I yelled down to her. I looked back out my window and her light was off. It was close to midnight. I should just go to sleep now. I ain't got nothing else to do.

I woke up to the sound of loud ass music again. This girl. I didn't recognize the song, but I new it was made by someone young. I took a short shower and put on some clothes. Just some jeans a t-shirt and a hoodie. I walked out the house getting in the car I stole from some dude that died the day after I stole it. They couldn't get him to the hospital quick enough.

I drove to school not listening to any music. Just thinking. Why was I put in this position? Is this some sign for me to get with her or something? What the hell does all of this mean?

I got to school and basically ran to my first period. I just wanted to talk to her. I don't know what about. But I just do. She walked in three minutes after I got there and she sat in her seat behind me, not acknowledging me at all.

"Is there something you need?", she asked me as I stared at her.

"I just want to talk," I said and she looked up at me.

"Talk about what?", Synthia asked.

"What song were you listening to this morning?", I asked and she shrugged.

"How would you know I was listening to music?"

"I live right by you."

"Okay. And please don't tell anyone about what you saw yesterday. That was for my eyes and the artists eyes, not yours," she told me.

"Don't you plan on finding someone though?", I asked and she shook her head.

"I plan on being forever alone," Synthia whispered. I think it was because more people began to flood in.

Isaiah came over to us and we did our handshake. He held out his hand to Synthia and he smiled at her.

"I'm Isaiah," he said smiling at her.

"There's a reason I told you people not to talk to me," she said and she ignored his hand. I chuckled at how cold she could be.

"Don't think I'm gonna stop trying," he said before he went and sat in his seat. I watched as she rolled her eyes and I just laughed.

"Fuck you laughing for?", she asked me giving me attitude. She was so cute when she was mad. I had to put her in her place though.

"I ain't none of Isaiah. I'll fuck you right now," I said in all seriousness after I stopped laughing. Synthia's eyes widened after I said that and I turned around in my seat. I must've scared the living shits outta that girl.

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