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I sighed as I turned in my bed onto my back. I didn't see her change, but I did see her in that bikini. It was an accident, I swear. I just made a song and I sent her the link so she could understand that it was for her.

I couldn't really see her reaction, so I just went to sleep. Congratulations, Isaiah. You stole the girl I liked. There is this other girl though. Her name is like Geneva and she's nice I guess. She told me she liked me yesterday, but that was before I knew that Isaiah and Synthia were fucking with each other.

I called up Geneva and told her that we were going to go to the beach. There was going to be a major barbecue there so everyone was going. She said ok and she told me to pick her up at one.

I decided to try and forget about Synthia, but she isn't someone you just completely forget about. I made a song for her ass. Second girl I talked to without her pushing me away, Geneva was first.

Let's talk about Geneva for a second. I would usually see her stare at me. The girl fucks around with a lot of guys too. In freshman year, the girl would suck dick in the janitors closet. Didn't touch mine though. I'm glad, could've had herpes.

I woke up to more loud music. It was louder than before too. I got up and went to take a shower and get ready to go to the beach with Geneva. I just put on some trunks and a t-shirt and walked out the house to my car.

I looked at Synthia's house as I debated on whether I should go in or not. I didn't. I just went to go pick up Geneva. She lived a couple of houses down from Ski. That's how I met her in the first place.

They finally allowed me to go back to school after getting out of juvie. I just wanted to go because all my friends were there. I met a cool nigga in jail too. His name is Stokeley. I walked to his house today and I saw a girl standing at his door.

"Do you know where Stokeley is?", she asked me. She was pretty cute I guess.

"Nah. I literally just got here," I said. Is she slow?

"Oh. Guess we can both wait then," she said and I shrugged, "I'm Geneva."

"Okay," I said.

"You not going to shake my hand," she said and I shook my head.

"I'm good," I said and she rolled her eyes at me. I saw Stokeley walk up the stairs and he smiled at me. I got up and we did a handshake.

"Wassup vro," Stokeley said smiling at me. He was like a year older than me and he was like brother. He protected me in juvie and made sure no one fucked with me because of how short I was. I did beat some faggots ass though.

"Nothing. Here," I said handing him the applications he asked for.

"Great. This will give her a reason to come back," he said. I felt sorry for him too. His mom left and he kind of fell of the rails. He told me to bring him back a school application so him mom would come see how better he's doing.

"No problem vro. I'll go turn them into the school tomorrow," I said and he smiled at me. I began to walk down from his porch and Geneva smiled and waved at me.

"Nice meeting you," she said and I just shook my head as I walked off.

Why is she taking so damn long? She finally came out of her house and got in my car. She had on this light blue bikini with a jean jacket on and some sunglasses.

"You said one. Not one thirty," I said and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm pale. I needed six layers of sunscreen," she said and I rolled my eyes.

We were on our way to the beach by then. I got it the car and opened the door for her. Just trying to be nice.

Geneva smiled widely at me and said thanks. I looked behind her for a split second and I saw Synthia on the other side of the beach. Playing volleyball with one of her brothers. I think it was Lorenzo. She was smiling and laughing. I watched as she put her brother in a headlock.

"Where you looking?", Geneva said and she turned around. I heard her scoff and roll her eyes, "That bitch."

"What?", I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"Nearly pushed me down in the hallway on Wednesday. Didn't say sorry or nothing," she said and I shook my head.

"You sure it was her?", I asked and Geneva nodded. She grabbed my hand and led me to the water.

We spent our time swimming and playing around and all that shit. Geneva actually turned out to be pretty cool. She went to the bathroom so wash the sand off of her body. I looked around to see if Synthia was still here and I didn't see her. I turned around and there she was. Standing here with her hands in the pockets of her shorts.

"Now you know how I feel," she said smirking at me.

"Where's your boyfriend?", I asked referencing to Isaiah, "I think that you would be sucking him right about now."

"I don't know what you got against me, but this anger towards me needs to stop."

"You're the one who pushed me away!"

"Because you tried to kiss me three days after you met me!", she said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry," I said looking down.

"You're a fucking stalker. You don't know when to stop. You told me that you were going to fuck me, then the same day you try to kiss me. When I finally find out that I have a heart, you get angry at me. So fuck you, X. You can go fuck yourself," Synthia ranted at me.

I don't think I'll be talking to her soon. Synthia walked away from me and I rolled my eyes at her. She is gonna regret not talking to me. I'm gonna force her to.

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