6️⃣S I E S6️⃣

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I woke up next to Synthia on the couch. The sun was down and she was still asleep. I heard someone coming down the stairs and I sat up. Holding her still as I saw this woman walk over to me.

"Who are you?", she said. This must've been her mother. I got up from the couch accidentally knocking Synthia off the couch. I've gotta stop doing that.

"Dude," I heard her groan. The woman pulled her up from the ground and made Synthia look her in the eye.

"Who is he?", the woman asked her.

"Isaiah. He's a friend," Synthia told her and her mother nodded.

"He didn't look like one," she said before she walked upstairs. Synthia smiled at me as her mom walked upstairs.

"You should see your face right now. You look hysterical," Synthia said as she began to laugh. I smiled at her and walked closer to her. She smiled as she looked up at me.

"I want you to be mine," I told her. I did. I liked the way she walked, the way she got an attitude with you. How antisocial she was. Total package with some baggage.

"If you hurt me, I'm taking you down with me," she said and I hugged her.

"I won't ever hurt you, Synthia," I said. It took her a while to hug me back, but when she did it felt that I had brought down this entire wall. She's so vulnerable even though she's so cold. It's like she wears her heart on her sleeve without even knowing it.

We stood there for a while before Synthia yawned and pulled away from me. I checked my watch to see that it was midnight.

"Damn I'm tired," she said and I nodded at her. I kissed her forehead and grabbed my jacket. I made my way toward the door and I turned around. I watched as she bit her lip as I left. That by itself made my stomach churn. I closed the door behind me and I turned around to be met with an angry Jahseh.

"What were you just doing in there?", Jahseh said tilting his head. I just stared down at him. High key frightful of what he was going to do.

Instead, he let of a deep sigh and walked back over to his house. I let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding. I walked to my car and drove off. I really hope Jahseh doesn't go crazy.

I came to school today feeling a little weird. I didn't smoke this morning. Ran out of weed, again. I usually smoke before school, just to keep me chill, but like I haven't smoked. So, I'm not chill.

I walked into first period and my eyes were burning. It was probably my allergies. I looked around and here were roses on the teachers desk. I sighed and sat down. I looked over at Synthia's seat and she was staring out of the window her seat was next to. I smiled at how good she looked this morning.

She was talking with Jahseh and then he slammed his fist on the table. I got up and walked toward them.

"Come on dude chill," I said and Jahseh frowned at me. Synthia looked up at me and I reached out my hand for her, "Let's go."

"What? Class is about to start," she protested and I just smiled at her.

"I have something to show you. You'll be back by lunch," I said holding out my hand to her. Synthia hesitated, but she eventually took my hand. I led her out of the classroom and out to my car.

"Where are you taking me?", she asked.

"To my dealer," I said and she looked at me with wide eyes, "Now who looks hysterical."

"Why do I have to go?", Synthia asked crossing her arms over her chest. It made her breasts lift up and she pouted.

"Because," I said and I left it at that.

"Because?", she said as I drove out the parking lot. I didn't respond, I just let her figure it or for herself.

"What was Jahseh telling you this morning?", I asked glancing in her direction.

"He asked if you and I were dating and I didn't respond. He got angry and told me to answer him," she explained shrugging.

"Why are you shrugging? He could hurt you," I said glancing at her again. When we got to a red light I turned and looked at her, "If he touches you in anyway, call me," I said, "Just say my name and I'll be there."

I heard the car honk behind us and I turned back around and I drove towards Pump's house. I looked at her again and I sighed as she continued to stare at me. I tossed her my jacket.

"Cover up. He's a horny lil shit," I said and she put it on and got out of the car. She came around to the side walk and I grabbed her hand. I knocked on the door and he opened it with a smile.

"You got yourself a girl. Finally," Pump said rolling his eyes and opening the door all the way. I felt Synthia's grip tighten on my hand.

"Shut up," I said and he just smiled at me. Lil dude was only 14 and he's a dealer. Says he's only going to school only for his family.

I gave him ten and he gave me this zip lock bag with the mark of 5 grams on it.

"Thanks, lil dude," I said and he nodded.

"Give her my number for me," Pump said winking at Synthia.

"Dude," she said making this grossed out face at him. I shrugged and walked out the house. She took off my jacked and dusted herself off right as we walked out of the door.

"That was repelling. I could smell the STD's coming through the walls," she complained and I just laughed, "Can we just go back to school now?", she asked me and I shook my head.

"It's barely past first period. I said by lunch. We still have until twelve," I told her checking my watch. Synthia groaned getting in the car.

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