7️⃣S I E T E7️⃣

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"What's this place called again?", I asked Isaiah as I took another sip of my coffee.

"The Good Kind," he said smirking at me. I nodded my head and looked around.

"This is very interesting," I said d Isaiah nodded.

"Yeah. I don't know why they gave this place one star. I think it's because they don't care about the weed," he said putting down his cup of coffee and pulling out a couple of blunts. He handed one to me and I put it down.

"I'm not smoking with you," I said crossing my legs and sitting back.

"When did you stop?", he asked me and I tilted my head.

"Smoking, I never-"

"Cutting, when did you stop cutting?"

"When I moved here," I said putting my legs down and he looked me right in my eyes.

"I don't want you doing that while I'm with you," he said and I nodded. Wait, why am I listening to him? I'm saying that he's going to get hurt, when I'm the only one.

"Yeah, okay. I have to go," I said getting up. I grabbed my book bag from the chair and I walked right out of the door. Ignoring Isaiah calling for me. I didn't like this. I didn't like how he saw right through me and how he made me feel safe.

I groaned and began to walk using the street signs to help me out. I made my way back to the tattoo shop and I walked in. Jazzy wasn't busy so I just went and talked to her.

It was getting close to dark I just went home. Thinking about what me and Jazzy talked about. We talked about her daughter, Diana, and my heart versus mind issue with Isaiah. She just told me to follow my heart because my mind will always hold me back.

I just went home to see my mom on the couch. It was like she was waiting on me. I sighed and watched as she got up and walked over to me.

"If you skip school ever again, I'm beating your ass. You hear me," she threatened and I nodded frantically. She opened her arms and I went to give her a hug.

"I'm sorry, Mama," I said and she shook her head.

"I'm happy that you're okay," she said and she sent me upstairs with my homework that she picked up. I went up to my room and opened my door to see someone I didn't want to see.

"Isaiah," I said and he opened his arms. Signaling to come and hug him. He got up and walked toward me when I didn't respond.

"I'm sorry," he said and I sighed.

"How did you know?", I asked him as I walked over to hug him.

"The way you winced when you crossed your thighs," Isaiah said. His chest vibrated as I laid my head on it, "I wasn't sure until you answered me."

"Why do you care so much?", I said sniffling. I was trying my best not to break down in front of him. I felt something when I was around him. Like this heat that brought out this part of me that I never knew existed. This part that wanted to be nice to everyone, wanted to be loved, to be wanted.

"I like you. How could I not care?", he said kissing my forehead. That just sent sparks through my body. What he does to me. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled down at me and put a hand on my face.

Isaiah leans in and he kisses me. I just stand there, dumbfounded. I never kissed anyone before and I never wanted to. He takes a step back from me.

"I-I'm sorry," he said.

How did they do it again? They opened their mouths and they just connected. Right? Guess I'll find out. I smiled at him and pulled him closer to me. I kissed him. I believe it's called French kissing and man didn't he taste good. Despite the constant smoking, he tasted like coffee. I could do this all day. Yet, I needed air.

I pulled away and he smiled as we panted. He opened me up. Half of me didn't like it, and half of me loved it.

"You had me worried too. What if someone took you?", Isaiah said.

"I just went to the tattoo shop," I said shrugging. He leaned into me again and our lips connected again, but we were interrupted.

"Oh I'm sorry," Lorenzo said stepping through the door. If Isaiah didn't distract me, I could've known that Hugh was making his way towards my door, "Synthia?" I pulled away from Isaiah and I turned around to help him up.

"It's okay Enzo. Just don't tell Mama," I said and he nodded, "Don't tell Henry either."

"But, it's a secret. You know I tell him everything," he said. Knowing he would negotiate, "I want your dinner for two nights."

"No problem," I said and he rolled his eyes at Isaiah and walked out.

I turned around and he raised an eyebrow at me. I hugged myself a little and sighed.

"I think you should go," I said and he nodded. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight," he said and then he went out of the window. 

I turned on some music and I saw that some guy tagged me in a song. It was called 'I don't want to do this anymore'. I frowned and listened to it. It sounded like someone familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I'll figure it out tomorrow. For right now I just had to shower and do my homework. I wanted to go to sleep.

Tomorrow was Saturday and I wanted to take my brothers out. Maybe to like the beach or something. Something fun. I got out my swim suit and shorts for tomorrow. The only think I had was a bikini and it was from a couple of years ago. I tried it on and it wasn't too small.

I looked up from checking myself out and I saw Jahseh staring at me through his window. I frowned and shut the curtains. They're usually open because it's always hot. Now I know to get a fan because I live next door to perverts.

God I hate my life.

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