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Hi guys! This is the 5th chapter today! So I hope you like it! Also I'm sorry if this chapter is's just part of the plot. (That was for u ForceFriend😝) anyway, this chapter is dedicated to LaurelEmbersOfAthens my I hope u like this chapter!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter!

Percy's POV:

I woke up with a bad feeling. I tried to sit up but groaned and lay back down. I look at my self and flinch. My foot was as swollen as ever. I felt like my chest was on fire. And my head hurt like HADES.
I felt like gorgon blood was racing through my veins. I groaned again and sat myself up despite my bones screaming in protest. This was almost as bad as when I woke up an Calypsos island.

Once is was seated against a tree I looked around. Everything was dark, there was no telling how long I was out. I thought about calling for help, but hesitated. I normally don't trust people enough to take care of me. Unless they were my friends of course.

But I shook out those thoughts because I needed help. Bad. So I called out in a loud-ish voice, "is anyone there?" Nothing happened. So I called out again, "can someone please help me!"

Silence. I tried to stand up but fell back down. But before I tried again a voice called out into the darkness, "is anyone there? Do you need help?" I almost sang to the gods. "YES, I'M OVER HERE!" I shouted as loud as I could.

I watched as a man stumbled out of the wood in front of me. When he saw me he gasped. I must have looked bad. He had a mop of brown hair and warm coffee eyes. The way I could see that is because the stick that he was carrying glowed. It looked like a waterfall of light was pouring out of the tip. He came up to me and crouched. "What happened?" He asked.  "I feel out of a tree" I answered back.  He saw me looking at his stick with confusion and wonder and stood back up. "Hey, wait a minute. Do you know what this is?" He asked waving his stick. "No", I answered. " Is it a stick?" I ask. Suddenly his worried expression changed into terror.

"Do you know who the minister is?" He asked. Being the seaweed brain I am I answered back, "what's a minister?" He then took a step back and wiped his hands on his pants. He said something to himself, but all I could make out was, "muggles... procedure...spell..." I was starting to get scared. "What's your name" I ask. Trying to get him to talk to me. But all he did was turn to me and say this, "I'm so sorry, but this is standard procedure, " my heart was beating fast. I tried to run but he pushed me down. I looked at him in the eyes and I could tell that he was scared. But that didn't stop him from raising his stick to my chest and muttering the words that would change my life,


Another cliffhanger! Who could have guessed?😂

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