The Boy Out Side My Window...

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*hides* please don't hate me! I know I haven't updated in a while! I have been yeah this chapter I'd dedicated to LordOfTheRingsGirl1 cause she helped me get through my first roleplay! So a pat on the back to her!


Mr. Weaslys pov:

I sigh, today had been a long day...with the quidditch cup and the death eaters...I just need some time to relax before I go back to work.

I am sitting at the fire, thinking about if I should write to Molly. But then I look at the clock. 5:34 am it says. I haven't got any sleep at all. Well I thought. Might as well catch a few z's before we leave . I pick up the small mess I made and started to walk to my room.

But I was stopped by a groan. I snapped my head in the direction it came from but didn't see anything in the house. So I slowly walked towards the window that was to my right.

Wand at the ready, I stuck my head out the window. But what I saw confused me.

What I saw, was a 17 looking boy with raven black hair, not that far from Harry's. He was clutching his head and moaning and groaning like crazy now.

Merlin's beard! It must be a muggle! I thought. I got to the door in time to see him falling to the ground...passed out...

I run over to him, his skin was pale, and he looked feverish. I put my hand on his head and quickly remove it. It was burning hot!

I looked around and saw no one. He must have been alone. So I pick him up and sling him over my shoulder. Man he was light!

I carried him into the tent and set him on the couch.

I go to the ice box and get out a bag of ice. I wrap it in a towel and walk back to the boy. I gently set it on his head. I turn on a lamp so I could are him clearly.

He was tan, and had perfectly toned muscles. He looked handsome, for a boy his age.

On the other hand his shirt and jacket he was wearing were ruined. They were cut and ripped. And had a spot of blood here and there.

Then I see his ankle, it was bad. It was swollen and red. I didn't know what to do about that.

I sit in a chair and think about what I should do. When I made up my mind I walk to Percy's room and knock on the door.

No answer. So I knocked again. I faintly heard the creak of the bed springs before the door opened.

"Dad, what are you doing its-" he looks at the clock. "5:54" he then yawns. "Son I need to borrow some of your clothes."

{°-°} Bob the titan time skip {°-°}

I now sit on my sons bed after explaining why I need to borrow his clothes.

He looks at me and pushes his glasses back up his nose. "So you mean to tell me that you found a muggle on the street and he is injured. So you need some of my clothes for him, right?" My son asked. "Yes I reckon that's about it." I say. Percy looks at me with curiosity and determination.

"Can I see him?" I sigh. "Fine" he smiles at me. I stand up and lead him to the living room.

The boy is still asleep. And is now drooling all over the sofa.

Percy looks at me with a weird look and says, "fine you can borrow my clothes, just have them washed before I get them back.

I nod my head.

As he walks back to his room to retrieve his clothes, I get the boy some new ice. His fever has gone down a bit. But not much.

Once Percy gives my the clothing, I use magic to change him. But I hear him groan in his sleep. I look at his ankle and see that it is as swollen as ever.

I decided I can't wait any longer.

I walked back to Percy's room and see him already in bed. I open the door slightly and spoke, " hey buddy I need to take the boy home right now. I'm worried about his ankle. Can you make sure that the crew makes it to the port key by dawn? Oh! I forgot. Don't tell the rest of your siblings and Harry what happened tonight okay?" I said. "Yeah, I will you can trust me." He said. I smiled and walked back to the living room.

The boy was still sleeping. I walk over to him and sling him over my back. I hold on to him tight as I apparate to my house.

Yay another chapter...ZZZ😴 *nods off because its so late*

(Thank you ForceFriend for the spelling corrections!)

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