The Bad News

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Ok another chapter! Please no hate because of the recent cliffhanger! 😫 and I know that there is a cliffhanger at the end of each chapter, I'm sorry! I try to tone it down a bit!

So with out further ado... Enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter!

No ones pov:

"What?" Said Annabeth in a small voice. "Percy's gone Annabeth. I'm sorry." The centaur explained.

"It was just like last time, he just disappeared, with out a trace." He said. "I gathered all of you here to tell you the news." He looked around the room. Hazel and Piper, were in tears, hugging each other.

Jason, Frank, and Leo were looking like they thought it was a joke. Calypso was staring at the wall. Mumbling to herself. Silent tears gently falling down her cheeks.

Reyna and Nico were conversing quietly in the corner. A grave look on there faces. Rachel was sitting in a chair, trying not to throw up. The prophecy that she recited made her feel like Pegasus poop.

And Annabeth? She was staring at a wall her arms across her chest. We looked miserable, like she had nothing left to live for.

After the crying and comforting died down Chiron cleared his throat. "I know that it may be a shock, to hear that young Perseus is gone, but that is not all of the news that I wanted you to hear." He said with a grave face.

He waited for complete silence to continue. "There was also a prophecy." As soon as he said the word 'prophecy' it was like a bomb went off.

The room was full of shouting, yelling and tears. And the only person that was quiet this whole time was Annabeth. For she was still staring at the wall.

The demigods in the room took notice of this, and soon enough everyone was silent. All of them looking at the daughter of Athena.

But Annabeth took no notice of the eyes that were pinned on her back. All she did was calmly stand and walk to the other side of the room in witch Chiron was standing.

She crossed her arms and with tears in her eyes, she asked a question, ever so softly. "What did the prophecy say." She asked deadly calm.

Chiron made a uneasy glance at the Oracle. Who had fell asleep against the wall out of exhaustion. He then turned back to Annabeth who was waiting patiently for a reply.

"Now child I don't want you to worry-" but he was cut of by the growl coming from the blond haired girl in front of him. "Chiron, I'm going to ask again. What did the prophecy say." She asked, a edge in her voice. All of the demigods in the room took notice of what was about to happen and took cover behind various things in the room.

Chiron gulped. He did not want to tell her what the prophecy said, but he also wanted to have all of bones intact by the end of the day.

He looked at Annabeth and sighed. Once he realized that there was no talking his way out of it he looked up and addressed the small crowd.

"Everyone out except for Annabeth" the centaur said. There was a uproar. All of the demigods sprang to their feet and started yelling profanities and reasons why they should  be able to hear the prophecy. Annabeth just shook her head. Once the noise died again Annabeth spoke. "No, they need to hear to" she said. The group of demigods nodded in approval.

Chiron looked at the group of teens and nodded his head slowly. "Fine, they can hear it Nico? Do you want to recite it?" The son of Hades nodded hesitantly as he walked to the front of the room next to Chiron and recited the prophecy that her headed earlier that day,

"The boy with green eyes
Must say his goodbyes
To the land he once knew
Across the blue he takes cue
He makes friends of a different sort
A evil wizards plan he must thwart"

After Nico recited the prophecy, the room was silent. Taking in the words that had just been said.

Then being the idiot that Leo was he called out, "what? Why does it say wizard?"

Yay! Another chappie! Also I forgot to say this chapter is dedicated to wolflover643 for being her awesome self! Luv u all!

°•°katiestargazer out°•°

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