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Okay, sorry guys for the wait...I've been busy...but here is another chapter!

No ones pov:

Harry yawned. He did not get a lot of sleep last night. Part of it was that he was thinking about the dark mark much more that he should, and the other part is that he could hear Mr. Weasly talking to Percy in the early morning.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and put on his glasses. Ron was still asleep. He changed into some clean clothes and tried to brush his hair...it was useless.

Once he gave up on his hair he quietly walked over to Ron and shook him. He gave a groan and turned over. Harry had a idea, he stood in front of his bed and called out in a loud voice, "Ron, if your not up in five minutes, then your going to miss breakfast!"

He then turned and walked out of the room, but he could hear Ron's desperate growl as he got dressed and shot passed Harry to the kitchen.

Harry walked into the dinning room greeted with some cheerful hellos and waves. Everyone else was up.

Except for Mr. Weasly.

 Harry sat down at the small table next to Ginny and tucked into some ham and eggs.

Hermione is eating toast and reading a book, Ron had every type of breakfast food imaginable. Percy is drinking some coffee, and Ginny is eating toast, just like Hermione. And the twins were throwing crumbs at Percy.

Harry looks up at them all and asks, "where is Mr. Weasly? I thought he was supposed to take us to the port key?" Everyone looks up, some shake there heads, some shrug. But Percy is the only one that spoke.

"Father had some business to take care of, he asked me to take you to the port key." He said.

Hermione was interested, Ginny looked confused, Harry was worried, and Ron kept eating. Fred and George smiled evilly at each other.

"Was it about the death eaters?" Said Harry. All of there heads snapped towards him. They all have been thinking about the situation that happened last night. But they were to afraid to ask.

"No" said Percy coldly. "This is not about what happened last night." Harry looked back down at his food. He was not hungry anymore.

He stood up from his chair and went to his room to pack.
When he was done, he brought his bag into the tiny living room. Everyone else left to pack to.

He layed down on the red couch, and looked at the clock, 6:16 it said. He closed his eyes. He was bloody tired. When he opened his eyes again the clock read 6:29. He rubbed his hand on the couches fine velvet covering. But he pulled his hand back. He felt something that was a liquid.

He looked at his hand and saw it covered in a red thin watery substance. If harry would have known he would have thought that it was blood.

He wiped it off as the others came back into the room. Percy explained that someone would stop by and pick up the tent.
As they all marched to the port key harry couldn't help but wonder if that substance was blood.

He pulled that thought from his mind as they entered the tent with the port key. As they wait in line Harry turned to Hermione and Ron and whispered,"Did you guys hear Mr. Weasly talking to Percy last night?"

They both shook their heads, looking worried. Hermione was just about to say something when Percy shoved us forward to get signed in.

Once that was done, they all gathered in a circle and held on to the old boot that brought them here. They all held on tighter when the worker at the tent started counting down.

"3...2...1" the second he said one, he felt a tugging behind his naval, and felt like the world was spinning off its axis...

If you wish to find out what happens next, tune in next time for the new chapter of Percy Jackson, Champion of Hogwarts!

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