Chapter 8: Runaway

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Maka swayed back and forth, chuckling ever so slightly. Soul looked at her with wide eyes as she dug her fingernails into her palms, drawing blood.

"Maka?" he asked. Her eyes darted to him as if she completely forgot he existed. Her smile faded and she stepped away.

"I'm tired. Let's go home," she stated, almost as if what just happened didn't.

"But, Maka, you just beat the life out of that guy." Soul stood up, waving a hand towards the guy who was currently being carried by his weapon into the school. It wasn't that he was surprised by her strength, it was the fact that she had put her fellow classmate on the brink of death and not been a good sport about it. Her eyes were definitely not the same calm green that he had grown to know.

Maka walked calmly through the crowd, wiping her hands off on her coat.

"Something's wrong," Soul muttered, turning to the others. He cast a quick glance to his meister who silently made her way back to her house. "That's not like her."

"We should ask someone about it, like her father or Lord Death," Tsubaki suggested, looking around for Black Star who was already trying to find a way to beat Maka's previous spotlight.

Soul nodded.

"I'll go with her back to the house." Soul turned on his heel, trying to think of a plan that would probably work.

"Black Star and I will call you to help come up with a plan," Tsubaki called back to him as he ran towards his meister who was already down the steps.


Maka sat in the middle of her bedroom floor, holding her hands tightly as her breathing became ragged. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to block out the tears.

Voices whispered into her ears as she tried to calm down her accelerating heartbeat. She moved her hands to her ears, opening her eyes to find herself face to face with a snake.

Terror ran through her bones as she jumped up, stumbling backwards against the wall. She bumped into her desk, causing the lamp to fall to the floor. The snake watched her every move as she tried to inch towards the door.

Before her hand could reach the doorknob, something clamped down on her foot, making her freeze in place. Her eyes slowly looked down to find a dark figure laid out across the floor.

Maka bit back a scream as the figure's head rolled around to reveal a misshapen face. She pressed herself against the wall, trying to find some way to put some space between the disfigured person.

It opened its large, crooked and terrifying smile to let out a blood curdling scream.

"Maka?" someone whispered on the other side of the door.

The figure's eyes bore into Maka's, one glowing red while the other was an empty hole, dripping with blood.

No matter how disfigured it got, she knew who she was seeing.

"Medusa..." she choked out as the figure stopped screaming, only to tug at her legs and make her fall to the ground.

"Maka?!" the person asked again, worry tinting his tone.

Medusa tugged at Maka's foot, dragging her towards the window, pushing it open. She pushed herself away, trying to claw towards the door for help. As she opened her mouth to call out to whoever was speaking to her, the door was busted down, swinging open.

Maka's eyes widened as the grip loosened and the snake slithered away. She curled up into a ball, burying her misery as best she could.

Whoever opened the door fell to his knees beside her. The burning touch of the person's hand made her jerk away, staggering to her feet.

Her vision blurred, but the red eyes and white hair of the person before her made her freeze in place.

"S-Soul?" She asked, her voice hoarse as she tears rolled down her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry."

Before he could do or say anything, she ran out of her room, out the front door, and out into the street, blindly running away.

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