Chapter 10: Alone

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, again. I had to reread my other stories and stuff. Also, I'm in the midst of finals, so it's been pretty troublesome with that... Well... Enjoy!


Maka sat down in the corner of an alleyway, her blonde hair already falling loose from her two pigtails. She leaned against the brick wall in silence as her stomach growled. She didn't know how long she'd been gone. All she knew for sure was that she was a filthy, wet, and pathetic mess. It'd stopped raining a while ago, but she didn't have the strength to care for it.

The sound of a rat running across the concrete broke her from her mindless gaze. Maka silently stood up, listening to the rat, before she lunged for it, eating it practically whole. Her hunger subsided, but now she felt even more disgusting. She stumbled back onto her feet and made her way out of the alley, her eyes squinting against the brightening sky.

Maka wiped her recent meal's blood off of her face before heading towards the sandy plains about a mile away. She'd gotten lost too many times to count in the huge city she lived in.

A loud hiss stopped her in her tracks, making her spin around. There was nothing there. Maka felt something crawl up her leg, sending disgusted chills down her spine. Something bit down into her flesh, earning a loud squeal of surprise from the blonde.

Despite her attempts, she couldn't move.

"If you keep struggling, it'll just become more painful." Maka's eyes widened at the sound of the voice. She looked up to find a familiar face, green hair looped around her neck. Medusa, her eyes glaring down at her. "Mm... Surprised, I see."

"What should we do with her?" a younger, more innocent voice spoke behind her. Maka turned her head to see a shorter, smaller version of the Medusa in front of her. "She hurt us. We should make her feel the same pain."

A cold, sharp hand wrapped around the blonde's chin, forcing her to look into the snake-like eyes of the older Medusa. Maka bit her lip to keep from crying as the biting became much more than the slight nibbling from before. Her mind went blank as pain erupted from her stomach, her eyes narrowing as she leaned forward, clutching her bleeding front.

"That's not even half of it, you--" the two Medusa's stopped as a spider crawled across Maka's shoes.

"We don't want to finish her off all at once, now do we?"

Maka stared down at her hand to find it clear of all blood, her dirty shirt showed no sign of her pain ever existing. She straightened up to find a woman dressed all in black, a small smile painted across her pale features. It was Arachne.

"We all want turns, Medusa." Arachne smirked as she placed two hands on the blonde's shoulders. "It wouldn't be fair if you only got your turn. Asura and I need our take on her."

Arachne looked to Medusa with a small triumphant smile before turning back, her face twisted into a very familiar face... Asura's.

Maka sniffled as she pulled her legs close to her chest. She gripped her head as she tried to suppress the nightmares welling up in her mind. Tears stung at her eyes, but she swallowed it down, attempting to clear her head.

The pain subsided quickly, leaving the only feeling of loneliness.

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