Chapter 16: Home

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Maka was supposed to stay in her cell for a week. If she showed no signs of improvement, then she may have to stay longer.

Every night, Soul would come to visit. Each time, she seemed worse than before. She would look paler each time, her eyes glossed over with tears.

When it was announced she could go back home, he was the first one there, immediately throwing her over his shoulder.

"Soul!" Maka shouted in surprise, trying to get in a position to see his face. "I can walk on my own."

"I know." He walked past Spirit, whom he had been ignoring for the past week. Maka looked to her father and then her friend in confusion before wincing, gripping her head. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a small headache." Maka smiled to her white haired friend as he walked outside. "I'll make dinner tonight, okay?"

"Actually, Tsubaki's having all of us over so that you can get caught up with all the stuff you missed."

"Oh..." Maka chuckled and nodded. "Okay. How have they all been?"

"Good. Black Star failed a pop quiz Dr. Stein threw at us a couple days after you were chained up. Tsubaki's been fussing over his studying since then. Crona has started wearing jeans upon request by the twins. Otherwise, it's been fairly normal. No big changes."

"You guys go on any big cases or anything?" she asked.

"Maka, it's only been a week. It's probably exactly the same as it was when you last saw the board."

"Oh..." Maka hummed. She was set down suddenly, causing her to slip on her own feet.

"Before we go over to Tsubaki's, you have to get ready. Do you need me to help you take a shower?"

"No, but I will probably need company." Maka walked inside before Soul could realize she was serious. She started the shower and went to get her clothes and a towel.

It was an awkward silence as Soul sat on the toilet, listening to the water running. It helped a bit knowing that she seemed somewhat comforted by him sitting in there. But he was having trouble controlling his nosebleed when he had to hand the towel over to her.

Maka hid herself by pulling the shower curtain to cover everything but her face and arm that stretched out for the towel. Soul's face was red as he handed it over, earning a small chuckled from his meister.

"I'll get dressed in here. Could you hand me my clothes?" She asked once she had the white fabric wrapped around her.

"S-sure," he stammered, taking the folded stack from the counter. He placed it in her outstretched hands.

It wasn't much later when she stepped out, her wet hair tied back in ponytail.

Maka wore a dark red t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. There were places on her clothes were the water had soaked through, sticking it to her skin.

Soul swallowed and stood up, burying his blush as he opened the bathroom door.

"Let's go."

The two of them got their shoes back on and left for Tsubaki's house.

Maka waved slightly to her friend when the door swung open only to be welcomed by a suffocating hug. She laughed and hugged the ninja back, smiling warmly.

"Welcome back, Maka. How are you feeling?"

"Good. A bit tired, but otherwise perfect." The blonde stepped inside to see the others already sitting around the main room talking. Crona practically fell as he stumbled to bury Maka in another tight hug.

"Crona, i'm fine," Maka managed to choke out. She sat down in between Soul and Crona as they waited patiently for Tsubaki to bring out the food.

"Welcome back, Maka." Kid said in between mouthfuls of food.

"Thanks. It's good to be back." The blonde smiled in response.


I know it's short, but I just had to basically cover the fact that she was home and recovering pretty nicely. Give me two weeks for the next chapter because I may be using it to finish the entire thing up. I plan it on being long and very SoMa satisfying. It'll be really cute and fluffy, so I just need the time to make it perfect. Thank you for reading!

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