• Chapter Four •

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I drop my bag and sit down beside Tobi, who was already saving me a seat as soon as he entered the English classroom.

Vik and Kay sit together in the row in front of us as we sit right at the very back.

I spot Simon, JJ, and Ethan all sitting in the row across from us as our desks consist of three people sitting at them.

Another boy plops down on the other side of Tobi.

"Cara, this is Josh," he says as the supposed Josh smiles at me. I nod and return the favor as Miss begins to speak about the upcoming topics and the school year in general. I look to my side and spot Ethan staring at Simon as he talks to JJ. I catch ahold of his glimpse and smile, but all he does is ponder over what to do and completely ignore me but turning to his exercise book and writing down the things from he board.

Strange.. I think to myself before quickly turning around so Simon won't catch me looking.

"Oi," I hear Tobi say. I turn my head as he furrows his eyebrows. "Interested in him much?"

"What? No fucking way. Simon? Are you kidding me." I defend myself. I notice I went slightly overboard with talking as Tobi doesn't seem convinced in my reply. "I'm just..thinking as to why he is the way he is. He's probably just got bad friends.." I look back over at him and stare. His bleached white hair borderline suits him, ya know.

"Oh, you should see the rest of his mandem," comments Tobi and rolls his eyes and puffs out some air.

"Tell me more, tell me more," I quietly sing, egging him on.

"Basically, all his so called 'friends' have a past of some sort, especially the big man himself. Their pasts connect to each other which led them to befriend that jerk."

"What did he do to deserve such a reputation?"

"I'm not going to get into that but you can probably ask someone else. Sorry. But really, the only decent person in their group is Katie, and that's because she's about as smart as a seashell. Besides, Harry's got a thing for her and really, I don't even know why."

"How d'you know?"

"Well, it's not only me. It's everyone in this school."

I shoot him a confused look as my eyes plead for him to continue. He sighs as he opens his mouth once more.

"Simon, being the prick he is, stole Harry's sketchbook and ripped it to pieces, saving only one drawing, which was of Katie and spread the word around the school. His drawings are truly amazing, you should see, but soon, he went from being the next big artist to the outcast who does nothing but stalk his precious little Katie, which is untrue."

"Poor kid.." I feel a sting of guilt for the guy as I see him tucked away in the corner o the class, his pencils and sketchbook out beside him.

"Indeed," Tobi sighs alongside me. "So don't get on Minter's bad side; please."


"We always sit at 'our' bench," Tobi says as he shows me around the courts, the quad, and the different pitches outside.

On one of the quads there's a bench on which Vik and Kay are already sat at.

We join them as I notice Kay and Vik awfully close to each other. He has his arm linked through hers and his blazer is loosely hanging off her shoulders. I shake my head enough for only Kay to notice as she blushes and waves me off.

Tobi the pokes my side and makes me notice Simon, JJ, and Ethan all passing by. Simon watches me and snickers under his breath, swallowing the last bite of his apple. He looks behind him to JJ, who nods and laughs.

Simon's iconic smirk comes into view and once he gets close enough, he throws his half-eaten apple at Vik.

His face pales as he sits there, appalled.

The three walk off as JJ shouts, "Lover Boy!" as they walk off, high-fiving each other in the process.

By this point, my mouth is hung open as I look from Vik, to Kay, to Tobi. Tobi gives them all death glares as Vik throws the apple off him, Kay helping him to do so.

I begin to walk in their direction - this isn't right.

As soon as I begin making my way over, Tobi hold me back.

"Why? You can't just let them do that and not act upon it! Do you not care?" I exclaim, infuriated.

"I know and believe me, I care a lot, but this is a bad idea, Cara, trust me. Last time that happened, Cal ended up leaving school. His life was made hell."

"Why's that?" I ask, still trying to get out of his grip.

"Let's just say Simon's smart. He might the world's biggest asshole but he knows what he's doing."

Just as I'm about to give him a piece of my mind, Vik stands up, still wiping off his stained white school polo.

"No one messed with Simon Minter."

His guilty eyes make me want to engulf him into a hug as I'm sure this isn't the first time he's been picked on, b I choose otherwise.

"Watch me."

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