• Chapter Two •

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The new girl.

A nickname I haven't been called in a while before I got emitted into this school.

As soon as Simon has sat down by his desk, which stood across from mine, he instantly switched his attention onto me, elbowing the boy next to him in the process.

"Oi, new girl!" His lush British accent sounded through my ears.

I tried my best no to pay any attention to him, which was Kay's main piece of advice for me.

The more he tried to get my attention, the more attached I became. I rolled my eyes and blocked out his speech, although a apart of my brain just wanted to turn around and flip him off in the sake of seeing what would his reaction be.

"Oh, whatever. Doesn't matter, JJ." From the corner of my eye I see Simon roll his eyes and wave off the situation, turning his attention onto the people in front of him.

"Who's his other friend?" I quietly ask Kayleigh, interrupting her from her daydreaming session.

"Hm? Ethan? Oh, he isn't much of a threat. Just his laugh is semi-annoying, as you previously heard." She rolls her eyes.

"Woah, easy there!" I laugh as she cracks a smile.

The bell soon rings as we all get told to pack up, and before you know it, people are already piling up at the doorway.

"What do we have now?"

"Science," groans Kay as she follows me to the door.

Finally, there's a space I can squeeze into to get out, but I suddenly feel a firm hand on my shoulder, pulling me aside.

"Move, new girl." Simon says before he walks past, but not before shooting me a hint of a smirk.


We're all sat at our tables which consist of a group of four people each. I glance around and are Kay beside me and Ethan in front, but also an unfamiliar face of another not who I must've not seen come in to tutor time.

"So, you're Cara." Ethan points out.

"No shit, detective."

He let's out a laugh as I look over at Kay, not expecting him to have such a positive reaction. Kay shrugs, insisting its normal and that he laughs at pretty much anything.

Our teacher has introduced herself and set us some starter problems to do to find out which level we are at, before leaving the class to do God knows what.

"And you must be..?" I look over at the other kid on our table.

"Tobi. But you can call me whatever."

"Yeah, Tob's my G!" Ethan jokingly slings his arm around Tobi's shoulders as Tobi just looks plain uncomfortable.

I shoot an uncanny look at Ethan as he laughs once more. Maybe he isn't as bad as she says..

Time passes and Miss still isn't back. I look up from my work, admiring the amount I've written.

"Holy shit you write a lot." Kay widens her eyes, making the boys turn to me. Ethan's eyes widen as Tobi looks shocked.

"This is what I do in my free time. Ever heard of Wattpad?"

"Isn't that one website where all them teenage girls post smut about One Direction?"

"Well, its more than that-" I try to reason but get cut off.

"What's smut?" Tobi questions.

I don't get a chance to answer before Ethan continues. "Its a type of writing. This one is all about sex."

"How do you know?" I laugh, amused.

"Well maybe I like reading One Direction smut, you never know!" He says and laughs once more.


"See that kid over there?" Ethan nods behind him. I look over to Vik and another boy sitting together. His head is hung low and has a fairly muscly build, but I wouldn't describe him as hench. His somewhat curly mop of hair is shaggily spread across in all direction on his head. He seems attractive, but I don't make my thoughts audible.

"That's Harry, but we call him the outcast as he never really..does anything. More like a hermit, really.

"The kids next to him is Vik, a.k.a. 'Lover Boy', a.k.a. 'Easy Target.'"

"Hey! Don't say that!" Kay protests.

"What d'you mean? I didn't say fuck all."

"It was rude!"

I sit back and glance over at Tobi. We both know this isn't leading to something good.

"No wonder both of you are fuck buddies. So alike, ya know? Such goodie-two-shoes." Snickers Ethan.

Oh God..

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