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YoungJaeJae🐷 posted on Snapchat

Where's my baby? He's been ignoring me........

Bambi🦌❄️ sent you a snap!

Bambi🦌❄️: wait Jaebum is ignoring you??

YoungJaeJae🐷: yes :(

Bambi🦌❄️: I'll ask Mark, I'll see what he knows

YoungJaeJae🐷: thanks my child 😪🙏🏻

Thaiprince👑👅 sent you a snap!

Thaiprince👑👅: why is Jaebum-ah ignoring Youngjae?

Markipoo🐻: he is?

Thaiprince👑👅: yes, wait, did you not know?

Markipoo🐻: no im just finding out, let me ask him

Thaiprince👑👅: ok

Mark😎🤙🏻 sent you a snap!

Mark😎🤙🏻: why are you ignoring Youngjae??

Jb😘👅💦: i don't mean too, I've just been busy with work lately

Mark😎🤙🏻: ahh but you should tell that to Youngjae

Jb😘👅💦: ok

Baby😍👅 sent you a snap!

Baby😍👅: honey im sorry for ignoring you, Ive just been busy with work

YoungJaeJae🐷: why didn't you just tell me?

Baby😍👅: I was too busy

YoungJaeJae🐷: ah fine, I forgive you :)

Baby😍👅: thank you <3

Yugyy😍 posted on Snapchat

Sometimes I want to give up on you.........

Kookie🐰❤️ sent you a snap!

Kookie🐰❤️: what's wrong?

Yugyy😍: problems with Jinyoung hyung

Kookie🐰❤️: ah, want to talk about it?

Yugyy😍: i guess, meet me at the park?

Kookie🐰❤️: sure, can I bring Taehyung? He's been down lately

Yugyy😍: sure

Savagehyung😎 posted on Snapchat

I would always love you no matter what, even if you want to give up on me......

Idiot#3🙄💗 sent you a snap!

Idiot#3🙄💗: what's wrong, Jinyoung-ssi?

Savagehyung😎: yugys being an asshole

Idiot#3🙄💗: he's a teen what do you expect?

Savagehyung😎: 😂😂😂 thanks Jackson

Idiot#3🙄💗: anytime 😂😂

Markipoo🐻 posted on Snapchat

I got food, I'm alone, someone want to come join me and eat this food?

Thaiprince👑👅 sent you a snap!

Thaiprince👑👅: why can't you just text me and ask?

Markipoo🐻: cause you're busy right now

Thaiprince👑👅: still, doesn't mean you can just go around asking people to have dinner with you

Markipoo🐻: are you overreacting about a dumb silly question? 🙄

Thaiprince👑👅: no, but that question does have its consequences

Markipoo🐻: oh chill, nothing bad about it, you're just overreacting

Thaiprince👑👅: fuck off, go hang out with whoever wants have dinner with you

Markipoo🐻: oh my god bambam😂 chill! It's just dinner!

Thaiprince👑👅: ok then, I'll go have dinner with Taehyung or jhope, it'll be nice and we'll be alone

Markipoo🐻: that's different

Thaiprince👑👅: how? If we are both having dinner and we both would be alone

Markipoo🐻: point ?

Thaiprince👑👅: my point is that dinner could lead to cheating, im sorry but I have bad trust issues

Markipoo🐻: oh my god, Are you
Saying that I'm going to cheat on you!? Do you not trust me!?

Thaiprince👑👅: i do, but don't be asking those questions like that, you never know when a secret admirer will use that opportunity

Markipoo🐻: im sorry but you sound ridiculous right now

Thaiprince👑👅: whatever, fuck you, I don't want to talk to you right now
Jackiewang🐶 posted on Snapchat

@ jooheon, loved spending time with you! ❤️❤️ Maybe next time I can invite a friend and you can invite @ Minhyuk 😂😁

Jooheonie💗 posted on Snapchat

@ Jackson, I loved it as well! And yes we should haha maybe @ Minhyuk can get a boyfriend 😂😂❤️

Minhyuk😍😘 posted on Snapchat

@ Jackson @ jooheon i hate you both 😐

Oh shit Markbam going downhill

Word count: 404

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