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Markipoo🐻 posted on Snapchat

It's getting lit in Bambam's and Youngjae's place 😂🤙🏻

Dabboi💦 posted on Snapchat

@ Mark, ahem, we are always lit 😌🙄😌😂😂

Third person
"No no! Give me that!" Bambam whined and tried to take his phone back from Mark. "No~" Bambam pouted and Mark stuck his tongue out. Youngjae and Jaebum were watching them and laughing as Bambam tried to take his phone "Markkk~!" Bambam whined and pinched Mark's cheek in attempt to distract Mark "you guys are such goals" Jinyoung said and sat next to the 2Jae couple. "Give me my phone you ass!" Bambam said and Mark throw Bambam's phone at Jackson, who caught it with ease "i hate you" Bambam spat and stood up to go fight Jackson. It was easy to snatch his phone away since Jackson is shorter then Bambam. "I should hit you two" Bambam said and sat next to Jinyoung. "Aww are you mad~?" Mark teased and Bambam flick him on his forehead. "Ahahah" Jinyoung laughed and put his arm around Bambam. Yugyeom came out from the kitchen and sat next to Jaebum "hey" Jaebum said "sup" "we should go rebel" Jackson said and sat on the floor. "Against what?" Mark asked and glared at Jinyoung, who only stuck his tongue out at Mark. Mark then snatched Bambam from Jinyoung and wrapped his arms around Bambam's neck and his legs around Bambam's waist. He then proceeded to kiss Bambam's temple and glared at Jinyoung. Bambam was confused but none the less he cuddled Into Mark and wrapped his arms around Mark's torso "ok then, let's go spray paint a wall or something" Jaebum said and Youngjae shook his head "that's illegal" Youngjae said and Yugyeom laughed "well why not go into the woods and light a fire, like a camp fire!" Jackson suggested and the others shrugged "let's go, it should be fun" Bambam mumbled and Mark looked down at him "you sure?" "Yeah, let's go" Mark smiled and kissed the top of Bambam's head "alright let's go!" Jackson said "you overheard our conversation?" Bambam asked "yeah, now come on!" "But I'm really comfortable right now" Mark whined and squeezed Bambam slightly "I am too" Bambam said and nuzzles his head into Mark's chest "but guyssssss this is boring!" Yugyeom whined "alright fine, let's go for a small hike" Youngjae said and stood up. Jaebum also stood up and stretched his arms out "lets go" Jaebum said and started walking to go get his coat "Ugh I have to go get my jacket" Bambam mumbled and tried to pull away but Mark didn't budge "Mark~" Bambam called out and Mark sighed "I was so comfortable.." he mumbled and Bambam giggled before running into his room to get his black jacket. Mark finally stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Ok let's go" Bambam said and slipped his jacket on

"Ahh it's chilly out here" Youngjae said and rubbed his arms. Jaebum laughed and wrapped his arms around Youngjae. Yugyeom and Jinyoung were holding hands and swinging there arms back and forth. Jackson was running around and recording all of them. "Ah Mark look, a bunny!!!" Bambam squealed and took his phone out. "How the hell did you see that?" "I don't freaking know but look at him or her, but look!" He took a picture and captioned it 'I found fucking Jungkook haha 😂😂'. Mark laughed at Bambam's caption "Bambam what the hell?" Mark laughed out "what? It's clever" bambam said and posted the picture "hey let's go sit over there!" Jackson said and ran near a lake and sat next to the edge. Bad choice. Jaebum crept up and behind of Jackson and scared him, causing him to jump forward and fell into the shallow part of the lake. "HAHAHAH" Yugyeom laughed out and fell to the ground laughing. Jackson didn't come back out and Jaebum got worried. He got on his knees and tried to see if he can spot Jackson but then Jackson popped out and pulled Jaebum with him into the lake "oh my god!" Bambam laughed and leaned onto Mark for support since he was laughing so hard. Mark giggled but other wise he was holding Bambam since he was laughing too hard. "You guys are so Ugh" Jinyoung said and went to help Jaebum and Jackson out of the lake. "kind of fun, CANNONBALL!!!" Youngjae yelled out and jumped into the lake. "Youngjae!" Jinyoung screeched as he felt his clothes get wet by the splash. "We should go in!!" Yugyeom said and ran into the lake. It's not that late so you can still see everything. It's like 4-5 in the afternoon. Jinyoung just walked away and stood next to Bambam and Mark. "I am not getting my clothes wet" Bambam said and Mark rolled his eyes "have some fun!" He said and threw Bambam over his shoulder and Bambam started yelling "Mark no! Mark put me down oh my god no!" Mark then threw Bambam into the lake and laughed. Bambam came back to the surface and glared at Mark "you're dead!" Bambam yelled and started chasing Mark. Jinyoung laughed and Mark continued to run away from a furious Bambam. "Mark get back over here!" Mark laughed and climbed up a tree. "Mark you fucking ugh!!" Bambam yelled out and tried to climb the tree. "Bambam just calm down!" Mark giggled out and Bambam glared but smirked "ok" he said and backed away from the tree. He then put his hands behind his back and walked away. Mark was confused. He then slowly came down from the tree and looked around for Bambam. They were away from the others so it was just them. "Bambam?" He was looking around but didn't realize someone was creeping up behind him. "Boo" Bambam whispered and jumped onto Mark's back. Mark screamed and fell to the ground and felt Bambam weight on his back. "Hi~" Bambam whispered in Mark's ear "you little shit" Mark said and looked at Bambam. Bambam smiled at Mark and laid on him. "You're so comfortable~" Bambam said and twirled a piece of Mark's hair with his index finger. "Get off of me" "you don't say that when I ride you" Bambam whispered and Mark's eyes widen "Bambam!" He said and struggled to get Bambam to get off of him. "Ok fine fine, I'll get off of you" "thank you" Mark said. Bambam then pulled Mark's hair, lifting his head from the ground "ow" Mark hissed and glared at Bambam "ha, you're the bottom" Mark then threw Bambam off of himself and sat on him. "Who's the bottom?" Bambam stared at Mark and smiled "i guess I am" Mark smiled proudly and bent down to kiss Bambam on the lips. Then it turned into a small make out session. Mark was cupping Bambam's face while Bambam hand his hands laying on he ground beside his head. "Yo you two, lets go home, im freezing" Mark looked up at Jaebum and glared. "Next time call for us instead of interrupting our intimacy" Mark said as he got off of Bambam and helped him up.


Word count: 1191

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