Treinta cinco

103 5 4

Bambam's POV
"You're still a dumbass" I mumble as I hand Mark a glass of a water "stop being so mean" he pouted and I roll my eyes "anyways, when do you think you'll get that damn cast off??" "I don't know" ohmygodiamgoingtokillmyself
"Goodbye" i walk away from him and bump into Jaebum "what are you doing here?" "Damn why so salty?" "Mark's a dumbass!" I yell "fuck you!" He yelled. I shake my head and Jaebum laughs "here because of Youngjae" I hum "well have fun, not too much fun" he rolled his eyes as I walk away.

Marky👅: get me chips?

Bambam💞: no :)

Marky👅: :'(

Bambam💞: love you 😘

Marky👅: pleaseeee?!!! 😭😪

Bambam💞: fineeee 🙄❤️

Marky👅: YAYAYAYAYAY 😭❤️❤️

Marky👅: ever since I got out of the hospital, Bambam has treated me like shit

Bambam💞: its called tough love so suck it up buttercup

JaeJae🦄: question

Jaebutt🐺: ask

JaeJae🦄: can anyone see Bambam being a top?

Bambam💞: bitch -_-

Yugy😌: probably, i mean he has his own dominant side

Wangpuppy🐶: he could too Yugy but then again they'd be versatile

Jinyoungie💋: Ahem -_-

Wangpuppy🐶: same goes for Jinyoung

Jinyoungie💋: omg

Marky👅: hmm he could top Youngjae

Jaebutt🐺: sorry to say but Youngjae could be topped by anyone

JaeJae🦄: 😭

Bambam💞: i feel uncomfortable 😣

Wangpuppy🐶: omg me and Mark would be versatile too!

Marky👅: true

Jaebutt🐺: wait, Jinyoung does Yugy top you?

Jinyoungie💋: ... 😳

Yugy😌: i feel uncomfortable, hyungs

Bambam💞: now you know how I feel :/

JaeJae🦄: we all know that Jaebum tops me and that Mark tops Bambam, but who tops out of you two?

Wangpuppy🐶: I BET YUGY

Marky👅: I'll go with Jinyoung

JaeJae🦄: Yugy

Bambam💞: Jinyoung

Jaebutt🐺: I'll say Jinyoung

Yugy😌: Ek im so uncomfortable shut up

Jinyoungie💋: sighhhhhh its yugy

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