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Dabboi💦 posted on Snapchat

I had so much fun yesterday with @ Jackson @ Jaebum @ Jinyoung! Hope we can go back again sometime 😂❤️

Daddy👅💦❤️ sent you a snap!

Daddy👅💦❤️: where did you guys go?

Dabboi💦: we went to the fair

Daddy👅💦❤️: oh, was it fun?

Dabboi💦: yup! Jackson won me and Jinyoung teddy bears!

Daddy👅💦❤️: that's nice , are you still mad at me?

Dabboi💦: no, like I said before, im not mad

Daddy👅💦❤️: then can you stop ignoring me?

Dabboi💦: im not ignoring you right now?

Daddy👅💦❤️: you were before, don't you feel like everything is not working out? Like everything use to be ok?

Dabboi💦: i don't mean to ignore you, yes I have felt that, and yes I know but that's because we keep making each other mad and it's stupid. Let's do something, listen

Daddy👅💦❤️: ok tell me

Dabboi💦: ok, tomorrow is Saturday no?

Daddy👅💦❤️: yes It is

Dabboi💦: ok so tomorrow, we'll go, together, to this restaurant which I've been dying to try, then we can go to the Park and take a nice walk in the woods

Daddy👅💦❤️: sounds romantic, yet a bit like a horror movie seen, I like it :)

Dabboi💦: 😂 ok then its settle, around 5-6 we'll go

Daddy👅💦❤️: ok ❤️

Dabboi💦: ❤️❤️

King👑💗 sent you a snap!

King👑💗: jaebummie i want to go on a date~

Jb😘👅💦: where too?

King👑💗: umm what about the movies?

Jb😘👅💦: sure :) when ?

King👑💗: Sunday :)

Jb😘👅💦: kk I'll pick you up at 5 and we'll get take out after it

King👑💗: yayyyy! 💕💕

Jb😘👅💦: 💞💞

Baby🔐❤️ sent you a snap!

Baby🔐❤️: are you with kookie?

Yugyy😍: yes, he's dating Minhyuk, so don't worry

Baby🔐❤️: yeah I know I found out, I also apologized to him, have fun, I was just wondering cause I didn't see you in the house

Yugyy😍: yeahs Sorry i left like that, where are you though?

Baby🔐❤️: shopping for food, and yes I'll get you candy

Yugyy😍: thank youuu~


Word count: 325

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