Cuarenta uno

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Bambam💞 created a chat called Tux👔
Bambam💞 added Jimin😍
And Jinyoung🌺

Bambam💞: so how do you guys want to do this?

Jimin😍: i think we should get catalogues here and look through them and also get the tuxes here

Jinyoung🌺: yeah and take them to America

Bambam💞: hmm ok well text me when you get the catalogues

Bambam💞 created a group chat called food🥘
Bambam💞 added Jinnie❤️, Jaebummie👑, and Shownu☃️

Bambam💞: my chefs, how do you guys want to do the food and stuff?

Jinnie❤️: i think we need to be in America for this

Jaebummie👑: yeahhh you and whoever is picking the place should go to America

Bambam💞: we all are going to America lol

Shownu☃️: when?

Bambam💞: HoW rIcH dO yOu tHinK mY mOm iS?

Jaebummie👑: very?


Jinnie❤️: wait your actually a prince!?

Shownu☃️: he's joking

Bambam💞: nahhhhh i came to Korea to run away from my tiring life as a prince and decided to date a peasant -_-


Shownu☃️: 😂

Jinnie❤️: you're disrespectful

Bambam💞: i didn't ask you, now, my mom is rich and I'm a spoiled brat, I CaN sEe iF i cAn gEt uS a pRiVate pLaNe :/

Jinnie❤️: oh ok yay

Jaebummie👑: we have to leave soon though

Shownu☃️: correct

Bambam💞: i know, I'll talk to her since I'm here

Bambam💞 created a group called stfuandlisten🙅🏻‍♂️
Bambam💞 added Hobi🎀, Jungkook😍🐰, and Minhyuk😇

Bambam💞: listen my children

Jungkook😍🐰: we're all older than you?

Minhyuk😇: technically i am

Hobi🎀: how old are you?

Minhyuk😇: 24

Hobi🎀: 23, damn it

Bambam💞: SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME, im trying to get a private plane to take all of us to America, so yeah :/

Minhyuk😇: don't those cost a lot ?

Bambam💞: >Thaiprince<

Jungkook😍🐰: wait you are??

Hobi🎀: 😂😝😂

Bambam💞: yes, my secret identity is being a prince from Thailand, I came to South Korea to get away from my boring life, started befriending and dating FUCKING PEASANTS, OF COURSE IM NOT THE PRINCE OF THAILAND, ITS A JOKE LOL

Minhyuk😇: :(

Jungkook😍🐰: it would be cool though, to be friends with the prince of Thailand of course

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