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Bambie🐉: Taehyung! Taehyung! Did you ask him yet!?

Taehyung🎍: no.......

Bambie🐉: why the fuck not!??!?!

Taehyung🎍: he's been busy with Yoongi lately....


Taehyung🎍: no 😒

Bambie🐉: WTF!?

Bambie🐉: i need you to stop hanging out with Jimin all the time

Yoongi😴: why?

Bambie🐉: don't tell Taehyung that I told you, but he likes Jimin, an he feels that you two are flirting

Yoongi😴: oh my god 😂 I didn't mean to make it seem like that, I like hobi, I've just been trying to make him be jealous

Bambie🐉: well you've been making Taehyung jealous, I'll talk to hobi hyung for you


Jhope🎀: here I am!!

Bambie🐉: you like Yoongi hyung right!?

Jhope🎀: no.....

Bambie🐉: well this is awkward

Jhope🎀: im kidding, i do

Bambie🐉: ah ok! Take him away from Jimin, have him for yourself

Jhope🎀: but isn't that being possessive?

Bambie🐉: no

Jhope🎀: ok

Jaebutt🐺: are you the sun? Because you are my sunshine 😁

JaeJae🦄: i hate to admit that, that was pretty cute

Jaebutt🐺: haha 😂

JaeJae🦄: what are you up too right now?

Jaebutt🐺: nothing, why?

JaeJae🦄: want to go out for lunch ?

Jaebutt🐺: sure :)

Yugy😌: where are you? I've been calling you

Jinyoungie💋: im hanging out with Mark

Yugy😌: ah ok, I was going to tell you I'm going over to Kookies place

Jinyoungie💋: don't do anything you would regret

Yugy😌: like hell I would, same goes for you though 👀

Wangpuppy🐶: what if, me, you, Bambam, and Minhyuk, go to an amusement Park??

Jooheon👄: i thought we were trying to get Minhyuk a boyfriend though?

Wangpuppy🐶: ok then, I'll just get my single friend named Jungkook

Jooheon👄: i thought he was dating Yugyeom??

Wangpuppy🐶: that's Jinyoung you're talking about, Jungkook always been single

Jooheon👄: ahh my bad then, ok tomorrow, I have to deal with Wonho and Hyungwon right now :/

Wangpuppy🐶: ah ok, see ya!

Marky👅: are you still mad at me?

Bambie🐉: why should I be?

Marky👅: i don't know, you tell me

Bambie🐉: im not mad, and I have to go, I'm busy right now

Marky👅: oh, what is it?

Bambie🐉: im trying to get Jimin and Taehyung together, so I'm here at their place, I'll talk later

Marky👅: oh


Word count: 380

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