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Savagehyung😎 posted on Snapchat


Bambamie🤙🏻 sent you a snap!

Bambamie🤙🏻: oh no... please don't tell me......

Savagehyung😎: yup, its official

Bambamie🤙🏻: but why? You guys always worked out your problems!

Savagehyung😎: he just.... i can't explain... but it's over between me and him

Bambamie🤙🏻: im sorry, are you ok?

Savagehyung😎: don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong, im fine, just a bit sad i guess

Bambamie🤙🏻: want to hang out? Like I could come over and we can watch movies? Ya know? So you could feel better

Savagehyung😎: sure :) thanks Bambam ❤️

Bambamie🤙🏻: no problem hyung ❤️

Yugyy😍 posted on Snapchat


Oldesthyung👻 sent you a snap!

Oldesthyung👻: are you ok?

Yugyy😍: yeah I'm fine...

Oldesthyung👻: can i know what happened?

Yugyy😍: not... yet.... at different time

Oldesthyung👻: ok I understand, hope you feel better Yugyeom, come over if you want to talk about it

Yugyy😍: thanks hyung...

Oldesthyung👻: no problem

Thaiprince👑👅 sent you a snap!

Thaiprince👑👅: saw what happened? Between Yugyeom and Jinyoung?

Markipoo🐻: yeah... I told Yugy if he needed anything he can talk to me

Thaiprince👑👅: i told that to Jinyoung, im going over to him right now actually

Markipoo🐻: tell him I hope he feels better :/

Thaiprince👑👅: ok, love you 😘

Markipoo🐻: love you too 😌❤️

Idiot#3🙄💗 sent you a snap!

Idiot#3🙄💗: im guessing it's true

Savagehyung😎: que?

Idiot#3🙄💗: you and Yugy broke up

Savagehyung😎: oh...yeah...

Idiot#3🙄💗: are you ok?

Savagehyung😎: yeah... Bambam's here, we are watching movies, he wanted to make me feel better but I don't know

Idiot#3🙄💗: oh ok, hope you do though, I'll go see if yugy is ok

Savagehyung😎: ok

Jacksonhyung👻 sent you a snap!

Jacksonhyung👻: Yugy, are you ok child?

Yugyy😍: yeah I'm fine, I already talked to Mark

Jacksonhyung👻: has Bambam talked to you?

Yugyy😍: nope, apparently he choose Jinyoung over his best friend 👌🏻😶

Jacksonhyung👻: I'll talk to him, he shouldn't choose anyone's side

Yugyy😍: Mark didn't talk to Jinyoung, he basically choose me over Jinyoung

Jacksonhyung👻: i already talked to Jinyoung so I ain't choosing anybody, both of you deserve sympathy

Yugyy😍: Mhmmm

Kookie🐰❤️ sent you a snap!

Kookie🐰❤️: sorry about you and Jinyoung, if you guys broke up because of me, then I'm so fucking sorry, i never meant to make it seem like I liked you, im with minhyuk, Yugy please don't be mad at me

Yugyy😍: Jungkook, we didn't break up because of you, he knows you're with Minnie, don't feel bad, and don't be sorry, you didn't do anything

Kookie🐰❤️: ok, I felt the weight come off my shoulders 😅, are you ok?

Yugyy😍: yeah I'm fine, but I have too go, bye

Kookie🐰❤️ sent you a snap!

Kookie🐰❤️: im sorry about you and Yugy

Savagehyung😎: it's nothing, but thanks, can I ask you something though?

Kookie🐰❤️: sure..

Savagehyung😎: did you think we broke up because of you?

Kookie🐰❤️: i was scared that, that was the reason, I asked Yugy and he said that no, it wasn't because of me, if it was I would of felt terrible, I never liked Yugy like that, I never meant to make you act mad, im sorry

Savagehyung😎: ahh Kookie, you adorable bunny, im just a possessive person in general, I should be the one sorry for making you feel bad I guess, I always kinda wanted to meet you personally to actually get to know you better, like actually become friends instead of 'my ex boyfriends annoying friend' and I don't want you to think of me as 'Yugyeom's crazy ex boyfriend'

Kookie🐰❤️: ah ha, maybe one day we can all hang out as friends?

Savagehyung😎: sure :)

Ahhh I'm sorry 😭

Word count: 607

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