Cuarenta cinco

82 2 11

Bambam💞: i need a serious break from all this

Mark🌸: I do too babe, but please stop stressing yourself

Bambam💞: Mark, dear, honey, sweetheart, sweetie pie, babyboy, sunshine, twinkle in my eyes, love of my life, PLEASE SHUT UP OK?

Mark🌸: :(

Bambam💞: sorry, it's just that.... you keep telling me to stop stressing but how do you expect me to not stress?

Mark🌸: cause you keep trying to do everything on your own and that's not how you are supposed to do it

Bambam💞: :(

Mark🌸: listen, we brought the guys here to help, you have me to help, so calm down, breathe, and let's relieve some stress k? ;)

Bambam💞: Aish.... ok fine :(

Jinyoung🌺: so, where do you want to go?

Gyeommie💕: somewhere where you are there :)

Jinyoung🌺: so cute~ we'll go to the cafe down the street

Gyeommie💕: 😂🙄😂

Jinnie❤️: i h8 you all

Jungkook😍🐰: you think we don't know that?

Jimin😍: why do I put up with all of you?

Yoongi😴: Jimin, stfu, you're annoying as well


Namjoonnie😱: Hobi, stfu, I'll slap you

TaeTae🎍: why can't we get along for once?

Jinnie❤️: cause we don't know how

Yoongi😴: cause I hate all of you

Hobi🎀: because y'all suck dick

Jimin😍: 😱

TaeTae🎍: 😱

Yoongi😴: 😴

Namjoonie😱: 😱

Jinnie❤️: 😱 AND YOU DONT!?

Kihyun😝: kids?

Jooheon👄: yeah mom?

Minhyuk😇: yes?

I.M💀: Im not your child

Kihyun😝: stfu and listen

Shownu☃️: 😂🙄

Wonhoe😜: what?

Hyungwon💤: kill me

Kihyun😝: kys, now, who's hungry?

Shownu☃️: me

Minhyuk😇: oh! Oh! Oh! Me!!

Jooheon👄: MEE

Hyungwon💤: me :)

Wonhoe😜: me 2

I.M💀: me 3

Kihyun😝: cool, feed yourselves :)

Jaebummie👑: so, clubbing?

Jackson🔥: Jaebum, aren't you supposed to be like one of the mature ones?

Sunshine☀️: lmao

Eh can't sleep :/

Word count: 279

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