Viente ocho

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Bambie🐉 joined the chat

Bambie🐉: sup

JaeJae🦄: hey Bambam

Wangpuppy🐶: yo

Jaebutt🐺: hello

Yugy😌: hi

Jinyoungie💋: hola

Marky👅: .

Wangpuppy🐶: so guessss whaaaaaa

Bambie🐉: whaaaa

Wangpuppy🐶: jooheon wants to go back out with me :/

Jaebutt🐺: what did you say?

Jinyoungie💋: better have said no Boi


JaeJae🦄: 1. Jackson you better have said no or else 2. AWW SO KAWAII

Bambie🐉: don't go back to him

Marky👅: what did you say?

Wangpuppy🐶: i said no, but we can still be friends

Bambie🐉: good, now lets add the bts boys

Bambie🐉 added hobi🎀
Bambie🐉 added TaeTae🎍
Bambie🐉 added yoongi😴
Bambie🐉 added namjoonie😱
Bambie🐉 added jinnie❤️
Bambie🐉 added Jungkook😍🐰
Bambie🐉 added Jimin😍

JaeJae🦄: wassup man!

Jimin😍: hey guys!

Marky👅: hey!

TaeTae🎍: mark wassup!

Marky👅: hey TaeTae !

Yoongi😴: yo

Bambie🐉: Suga!

Yoongi😴: bambie!

Wangpuppy🐶: Namjoon my man! 🤜🏻

Namjoonie😱: Jackson Wang! 🤛🏻

Jinyoungie💋: Hey Jin

Jinnie❤️: hey Jinyoung

Yugy😌: Kookie!

Jungkook😍🐰: Yugy!

Jaebutt🐺: hey Hobi

Hobi🎀: what? Oh hi lol! I was sleeping im sorry

Bambie🐉: how are you guys?

Jinnie❤️: busy, Jungkook is always out with minhyuk, Jimin and Taehyung are always out, Hobi and Yoongi are always napping or jumping around, im always cooking or reading with Namjoon

Marky👅: aw goals

Namjoonie😱: how have you guys been?

JaeJae🦄: crazy

Jaebutt🐺: well, me and Youngjae are ok, still not living together, Bambam threw a soda can at Mark and it exploded on his dick which hurt him, Jackson is single now ;) XD, Jinyoung is doing fabulous, Yugyeom Idk what's up with him, he hangs out with Jackson once in a while :)

Yugy😌: wow -_-

Bambie🐉: lol

Marky👅: 😑😒

Wangpuppy🐶: :/

Jinyoungie💋: 'fabulous'

JaeJae🦄: lol hello

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