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Bambam's POV
"Ughh the food was so good!" I say and Mark nodded. We were walking in a hike trail in the woods. He was holding my hand and being his quiet self. "I was impressed" Mark said and I nod. "You know," i stop and stand in front of him. I grab both of his hands and put them in mine. "I had fun" he smiles and kisses me softly on the lips. I kiss back and let go of his hands, only to wrap my arms around his neck, as his hands met my waist. He pulls me closer and I just let it happen. I tilt my head and feel water droplets fall onto my arms and head. "It's raining" I smile against his lips and he smirks "let it rain". Basically we a had a kiss in the rain. He then lifted me into his arms. I squealed slightly and laugh as the rain came down harder "we are going to be sick tomorrow" I say once I pulled away. He smiles and peck my lips. "So? At least we're sick together" I laugh and hug him.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Youngjae asked as me and Mark stood at the door way. "Let me go get you guys some towels..." Youngjae said and walked away. I looked at Mark and he looked back at me. Then we laughed. "Stop laughing, you guys are going to get sick" Youngjae said and handed me and Mark some towels. We wrap them around ourselves and head towards my room.

{Smut warning ⚠️}

"So should I take a shower first or you?" He shrugs "let's take one together to save water" I smile and shake my head "you just want sexy time in the shower, do you have list of places where you want to fuck me in?" He nods "yes, the shower is one of them" I cross my arms and look at him "oh really? Where's the list?" He taps his head and I laugh "was my room one of the places?" I ask as I enter the bathroom. He followed me and sat on the counter. "I guess" I chuckle and shake my head. I strip from all my clothes and hop in. "May I join you?" He asked. I shrug and close the shower curtain. He then joins me minutes later and I let him get a turn under the water. I was about to shampoo my hair but he grabbed my arm turned me around and smashed our lips together. Smh. We backed up until my back hit the tiled wall. It's cold. He grind against me and I moaned into the kiss. He had my hands pinned above my head. He then started to kiss my neck and I couldn't help but to move my head to the side and let him bite my sweet spot. I moaned and my hips grind against his and he growls. He let's go of my hands and turns me around to where I'm facing the wall. "It's cold" i say through gritted teeth. I feel him smirk against my skin as he kisses my neck again. I then feel something poke at my entrance and I moan as he bites down on my neck. He then kisses my shoulders and nips at them a bit. He then bends me a bit and enters my ass. I moan and my hands turned into a fist. My knuckles were turning white as he thrusted into me. I whine as he slowed his pace for a second "one of our phones are ringing" he mumbled and bit my shoulder. "I don't care, move faster" I whimper as he starts to slam into me. He pulls my hair slightly so my head rests on his shoulder. It's getting hard to breathe since the water is running down on us and it's warm, causing it to be foggy. "M-Mark~!" I moan out breathlessly. He groans and grabs my dick, pumping it at the same pace with his thrusts. He squeezes my dick at the base and whispers in my ear "do you want to cum~?" I whine and whimper as I nod. "Beg" he says and I whine even more "M-Mark, P-please let me cum, l-let your precious bammie cum" I whimper out as he starts up again  and I feel myself getting close. "I-I'm close" i moan and he goes even faster. I then scream out his name and you can hear it echo off the walls of the bathroom. He then cum's inside me and gets out. "Thanks for that" i mumble out and we continue the rest of our shower.

{Smut over}

We lay together on my bed. His head on my chest, while I run my fingers through his hair, and him drawing small circles on my stomach. "This was a nice day" Mark finally said. I hum and take a picture of him.

My baby😍❤️🔒

I post it on Snapchat and Instagram.

Caption: My baby😍❤️🔒
Yug-yugy, J.B, Jae.Jae , and 100 others liked your post.
Jae.Jae// ekkk Markbam goals 😍😭
J.B// but @ JaeJae we are goals too!
Yug-yugy// Ugh such goals
Jin_youngie// @ Yugy lets steal their idea
Yug-yugy// @ Jinyoungie tru
Marki_poo// i dare you two to actually do the same thing 😐
Bam_Bammie// best friend goals
Tae-Tae// ahh bammie such goals!
Chim_jiminie// im jelly
Ho_Hobii// @ Minyoongi why can't we be like them!?
Min_Yoongi// idk but goals 👀
Minnie_Me// ahhh im crying rainbows 🌈😭
Bam_Bammie// @ Minnie me 2
_Wonho_// @ hyungwonnie we need to be like this 😐
Hyung_wonnie// i already look up to them as my favorite couple 😂😍
Jinnie_Jin// goals asf to the max ship it all the way otp my number one couple goals
Jung:kook// control yourself @ jinnie_jin  where's your boyfriend?
Jackie__wang// probably sleeping or reading, GOALS BTW 👌🏻✊🏻
Nam-joonie// im here, nice pic @ bammie
Bam_Bammie// thanks 🙏🏻 I try
Marki_poo// that doesn't even look like you tried, it looks really good, make it your background
Minnie_Me// me 😂😂^^

Ahhh the goals of Markbam

Word count: 1021

Ps. The smut was unnecessary but I know people need a blessing

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