Lights Out

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I got out of the passenger side door and looked up, seeing Zach standing there waiting for me. 

"What's up Z?" I said cheerfully. 

"Not much," he responded, shrugging. 

"Well I'm here now. We can change that!" I smiled, making the walk up his driveway towards him. 

"Yep," he nodded.

As soon as I reached him, he grabbed me in an embrace (you might think this is weird, but he's a huggy person and I have no problem with that). I hugged him back, putting my chin on his right shoulder. After a second or two, he let me go and I pulled away from him. 

"Yeah, hi. Happy you see you too." I giggled. 

"Hi best fwend," he waved, smiling. I laughed and waved back, enjoying that I could be my strange self around him. 

"What should we do? I came over here to hang," I stated, heading towards the door that lead into his house. I'd only been over here once before, but I had a good enough memory to know my way around (although he thought my memory was sorta scary, considering I remembered just about everything he'd ever told me). I opened the door, turning right and heading down the stairs to the basement where the TV was. I heard him follow me down the stairs.

"I don't know. Anything you'd like to do?" He questioned. I just shrugged, hopping off the last stair. I made my way over to the dark sectional couch and plopped down, letting out a huff. He followed suit and sat next to me. We sat in silence for a minute. 

"Well," I finally said, "how about me turn on the TV and look at what's on?"

"I guess. I mean, we can if you want," he answered. I rolled my eyes. He was so conscious of what other people wanted, never being firm. 

I looked around for the remote, finally finding it on the floor. I picked it up and pushed ON. The TV came to life with a horrible explosion of white noise. I immediately plugged my ears and smashed the - VOL button. 

"What on Earth.." I trailed off, not sure what to say next. I looked over at Zach to see that he was covering his ears at the sudden blast of noise. He looked at me with a pained expression. I looked up at the TV to see that Five Nights at Freddy's was covering the screen. He removed his hands from his ears.

"You can play games on a TV?" I questioned. 

"Apparently. This is my TV and I didn't even know that." He replied, looking slightly confused. 

"Apparently is right." I nodded, not taking my eyes off of the screen. Something seemed off. I couldn't tell what, but there was just something about it that wasn't quite right. 

"Does something seem a little off to you Z?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows and looking at him. He squinted, looking at the screen.

"No. Not really," he mumbled, looking at me. I shrugged it off. I was probably just going crazy.

"So, feel like some FNaF?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He scooted away from me, acting fake scared at what he thought I was thinking. I rolled my eyes and giggled. Classic Z. "I'll take that as a yes then." I said as a matter-of-factly. 

"Sure," he responded. 

"I mean it can't be that hard on a TV. It's just a point and click based game," I inquired. I pushed the up arrow on the remote, watching as the cursor went up to "New Game". I hit enter and the screen faded to black, going to the newspaper article and then opening up the game. The moment it opened up to the security room, everything faded to black. Not just the game, everything. The entire room and it's contents. 

"Z?" I called. "Did you turn off the lights or something?" I waited, no reply. 

"Zach?" I called again. "Alright, alright. Joke's over. Turn the lights back on." I waited again for a reply that never came. 

"Come on man. Seriously. Please?" Nothing. I started to get concerned. 

"Hey Z, this isn't funny anymore. Turn the lights on please." Again, nothing. 

I moved my right arm to where he was sitting and felt nothing there. Panic flared in my stomach. I got up from the couch in a blind attempt to find the light switch. I moved a couple feet and smacked into a wall that wasn't supposed to be there. I hit it with my hand. Solid. I rested my hand on it, examining the texture. It was smooth and cold.

"What the.." I muttered. "Z?" I yelled in one last attempt to find out what was happening. My voice echoed off the wall and an eerie silence filled the room. I walked forward, letting my hand slide along the odd wall until I hit a corner. I sat in it and huddled myself into a ball. 

After a moment I lifted my head up and called out. "Hello? Anybody?" 

Loneliness and misery flooded me after a realized I was completely and utterly alone in the blackness that now surrounded me.  

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