Follow Me

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I floated in the void for what seemed like hours. The nothingness slowly driving me insane. As I spun slowly, walls filled in around me, but not normally. Not like average walls. They were flat and pixelated. I looked down and realized I was flat and pixelated, too. My body was bright yellow. 

I lifted my right hand, expecting to be able to move with ease. However, I was surprised when my movements were robotic and jerky. Then it hit me. I was Chica in FNaF 3's minigame. Of course. If we played the game, there was no reason we wouldn't go through the minigames, as well. 

First things first, I thought to myself. I need to find Z. Now where could he be?

I looked around, seeing a replica of Chica sitting on the stage. 

Hmm, I pondered. The game must have had to compensate for there being two of us. 

"Z?" I asked. 

I heard a ding sound and text came up above my head. 

Guess being 2D comes with printed text, I said sarcastically in my head. 

The other Chica lifted it's head in two jerky movements. 

"Z?" I asked again. 

"What?" The other Chica said, text coming up above the head as well. 

"Surprise! We're in the minigame," I stated with fake cheeriness. 

"Great," the text over his head read. 

"Is that sarcasm? It's kind of hard to convey through text," I asked. 

"Yeah. Or at least, it was supposed to be," his text said. I gave a sure nod. 

"Let's look around," I suggested. 

"Right. Scott always puts easter eggs in these," Zach commented. 

"Good old Scott," I laughed. My laugh was a hideous animatronic scream that sounded like metal screeching against metal. 

"Okay," I cringed, "not doing that again."

Zach grimanced. "Anyway, lets go this way," he pointed to our right. Or the left, if you're looking at it through a screen. 

We went left, passing two 2D tables and made our way to a room filled with animatronic parts. Heads, arms, and endoskeletons sitting on more 2D tables. 

"Ya know, I never really appreciated how great it was to be 3D until this point," I pointed out. 

A text bubble came up over Zach's head as if he was typing. I heard another "ding" and it read, "Yeah. Me neither."

I turned around in a couple more jerks and made my way out of the room. I wandered the halls for a bit, trying to find my way around, Zach following suit. Eventually, I stumbled into Pirate's Cove. A bright pink curtain hanging up in the side of the room. I was confused as "follow me" came up in the bottom left corner of the room. I saw a purple figure leave the room out of the corner of my eye. 

"Was that Purple Guy?" I asked in text. 

"I think so. I'm not sure, though," Zach answered. 

"Well, I guess we should follow him." I chirped. 

I walked forward, making my pixelated way down to the hallway I just saw the mysterious figure go. To my right was a clear wall with a dark tint. On the other side were numbers. 

"395248. Looks like a code. It'd probably be in our best interest to remember that," I mentioned.

"395248," Z repeated. "395248."

"Yes. Very good," I said jokingly. 

I continued to follow our purple shadow person down the hallway and into a blank room. The figure turned to our left (right if you're looking at a screen), and continued on. We followed, passing through what I assumed to be the security room, considering it had a table with a fan on it. I didn't have much time to look as our stranger payed it no attention and kept moving on.

As we walked, I went through my thoughts. First, we had gone through night one on game one. Then, night two in game two. Finally, we had just finished night three in game three. 

"I get it!" I shouted. 

"What? What do you get?" Zach asked. 

"Don't you see? Game one, night one. Game two, night two. Game three, night three. We're playing through all the games. Five games, five nights."

Zach just stood there. After a minute, he nodded slowly. "I see. So, we just have to make it to Sister Location."

"Wait," I mumbled, putting my head in my hands. "Was there even a good ending to Sister Location?"

Zach thought for a second, then covered his mouth. "Oh no. I don't think there was."

I bit my bottom lip then shook my head. "We have to play the game. Either find a good ending or die trying."

Zach stood there in a daze, trying to run through his mind all of our new information. We had to find a way out. I didn't get sucked into this game just to die right at the end. 

I turned around and grabbed Z's feathery wrist, slowly pulling him along.

We passed though another blank room, heading upwards through it. "Follow me" appeared in the bottom left corner again. Our new mystery guy stood at the very edge of the room, waiting for us. As we entered, he exited.  We went through the room, trudged through a long corridor, and ended up in a room with another set of two flat tables with party hats. 

"Jeez. What's up with the two tables? Would it kill them to put in three somewhere?" I smiled, turning to Zach. 

The animatronics-his- eyes were wide. 

"What?" I asked, confused. 

He simply stared behind me, unmoving.

The realization hit me. 

There's something behind me. Oh gosh, there's something behind me! I thought in a panic. 

I turned around slowly, making my pixel, animatronic, jerky body spin to see what awaited me. I looked up, seeing purple in the shape of a human body. A shiny badge stuck on the left shoulder, I came face-to-face with Purple Guy. I heard a horrendous, death screech that sounding like it had been conjured from the depths of Hell. Purple Guy hit me in the chest with one powerful strike, sending me flying backwards and I fell to the floor, falling to pieces. 

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