No Pizza, Thank You

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I woke up with a pounding headache, my head throbbing. For it being a time between nights, pain still carried over. I put my hands over my face and grumbled.

"Curse the logic of this game," I muttered. 

I sat up, whatever I was sitting on giving in to my shift in weight. I touched what was under me. It was cold and soft. Covers. I was sitting on a bed. 

"Freaking hallelujah. I'm not sitting on a floor." I chirped. 

I heard Zach snicker to the left of me. I elbowed him softly in his side. He held his hands up in defense and looked at me with his best innocent face. I smiled and rolled my eyes, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up. As soon as I was up, I had to put my left hand on the bed to steady myself. My whole world felt as though it was moving at light speed. I raised my eyebrows and shook my head, trying to rid the rush of getting up. It dissipated after a moment. 

"Game four," I said with confidence. "Bring it on."

"Well you sure seem eager," Z commented. 

I motioned to the room. "As fun, ya know, as this all is, I'd like it to be over. The only way to do that is get through the game. So, yeah. You could say I'm eager."

"Ok," he simply stated. 

I looked down, seeing two pairs of glasses and two flashlights sitting on the bed along with the little Freddy plush. I snatched up a pair of glasses, putting them on, and then took a flashlight, clicking it so it's bright beam cut through the air. "12 AM" sitting in the upper right corner of my view. I watched as Zach grabbed one of each as well.

"Ready?" I asked. 

Z nodded. 

"I feel like this is the part in a movie where they'd cock their guns and it'd cut to a scene with them executing their plan," I noted. 

"Sounds right," Z said plainly. 

"I wish we were that cool," I added, looking up and nodding. 

Zach snickered.  

I ignored him, rolling my eyes and turning away. I walked over to the door on the right and leaned out, listening intently for any breathing. When I didn't hear any, I lifted up my flashlight, revealing an empty hallway. 

I looked over at the other door to see that Zach was doing the same. 

"All clear?" I asked.

"Yep," he said. 

"Hey," I started, turning to Zach. "You think the light switch works? I mean since you can turn off the fan in game one, you otta be able to turn on the lights in game four, right?"

"Umm, maybe," he shrugged. 

"Try it," I instructed, pointing to the light switch next to the left door. 

He closed the door and flicked the light switch. Nothing happened. 

"Hmm. The animatronics must have cut the power," I said. 

"How does the clock work then?" Z asked, pointing to the standard alarm clock sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. 

"Maybe they found the circuit breaker and just cut the power to the lights," I suggested. 

"Maybe," Zach considered.  

1 AM

I let go of the door handle and walked over to the closet, checking it. Empty.

"No Foxy yet," I noted. 

Z quickly made his way over to the bed, putting a beam of light on it, and ridding any mini Nightmare Freddys that were sitting there.

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