Let Me Out

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The transition between game and minigame was faster this time. After about half an hour, I felt walls and ground come up around me. My vision remained dark, however. I blinked a couple times, trying to get my eyes to adjust, but pitch black was all I could see. As I tried to look around, words came up in my vision. They read "1 day until the party." After a second, the words dissolved and I was left in a lighted room. There were two shelves and a table in the room, all filled with flat, pixelated, animatronic parts. Golden Freddy's and Springtrap's heads, amongst various endoskeletons, and the body of either Golden Freddy or Springtrap. I couldn't tell. 

I was kneeling next to a thick white door in the corner of the room, tears streaming down my face. Only, I wasn't me. I was a little kid with a black shirt and jeans. I tried to lift up my hand to wipe the tears running down my face, but I couldn't move. I tried turning my head, but it wouldn't move either. A sinking feeling washed over me as I realized I had no control. The actions of my body were completely up to the game. I tried to move, fighting to gain control, but to no avail. 

Above me a rectangular black box appeared, covering the ceiling. It was flat and pixelated like everything else. I heard typing echo through the room, and then white letters showed up in the box. A voice read the words aloud. Zach's voice. 

Compensating for two people again, I thought.   

"Please let me out."the words read.

As soon as Zach had finished reading the text, I was startled by laughing. Deep, sadistic, maniac laughter echoed throughout the room. 

The text changed. 

"PLEASE!" Zach read over the laughter. 

The text changed again. 

"Please let me out...." he read.

Still not in control, I laid down on my right side and wept. I tried my hardest to block out the laughter. The hideous sound eating away at my sanity. To my relief, it faded. After a second, the lights faded as well, leaving me in the dark. The walls and ground disappeared, leaving me floating in the void, alone. My heavy breathing echoed off the invisible walls. I sighed, the minigames running rampant through my thoughts. 

"Tomorrow is another day."

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