Animatronic Activity

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2AM - Night 1, 74% power.

I paced the room, looking at each door as I turned. Zach sat behind the desk, monitoring the cameras. 

"Anything?" I asked, crossing my arms. 

He shook his head. "Nothing."

I let out a frustrated sigh. It'd been two hours full of nothing. I was almost starting to think that the threat upon my life was better than just waiting for something to happen. 

I stopped in front of Zach. "Hey, you think we can turn the fan off? I've always wanted to know."

"Umm, I don't know. Maybe." He said, glancing at the fan then returning his eyes to the cameras. 

I turned away from him and toward the fan, walking to it. I saw a big black knob on the fan's base. It had three options. High, Low, and OFF. I took the knob and switched it from High to OFF. As it stopped, a dull buzz lingered in my ears. 

"Huh. So, turns out, you can turn it off. Interesting." I nodded, satisfied with my discovery. "Oh, what about the Freddy poster easter egg? Do you think that's possible?"

If Zach heard me, he made no move to answer my question, keeping his eyes glued to the cameras. I ignored him, walking over to the poster. I hit Freddy's nose and it let out a noise. 

"Yo Z, it works!" I said, pushing it repeatedly. After four or five more pushes, I stopped and giggled. "It's even better in real life." He still didn't make any move to acknowledge my discovery. 

I walked over to him, standing across from him, the desk separating us. I stared at him, seeing if it would grab his attention. After a minute, I realized he wasn't going to do anything. 

"Boop!" I smiled, booping his nose. He finally looked up at me and gave me his best angry face. I smiled widely back at him, trying to seem innocent. He couldn't help but smile as well. I leaned over the desk to see the ipad screen.

"Any developments?" I questioned.

"Nope," he said, looking at the screen as well. But just as he said it, the camera at the Show Stage went to white noise. After a moment, it cleared up and Bonnie was gone. 

Zach hurriedly flipped through all of the cameras until he finally found Bonnie standing Backstage, staring at CAM 5. I stepped back. 

"Ick. Well, there's some nightmare fuel." I mumbled sarcastically. 

"Yeah, right," Zach grumbled, flipping back to the Show Stage. "And now Chica is gone."

"Fanfreakingtastic. Check the Dining Area on CAM 1B. She usually goes there first." I guessed. As soon as he flipped to the camera, I saw Chica, standing in the background looking directly at us.

"You were right," Zach stated. 

"Well look at that Z. Your eyes work," I noted sarcastically.

I noticed that the clock in the upper right corner of my vision changed to 4 AM.

"Four AM already? There's no way," I said, confused.

"In game time is faster, I'm guessing." Zach responded.

"Makes sense," I nodded. 

I walked around the desk and watched as Zach flipped back to CAM 5, the Backstage area. Bonnie was gone. 

"Where does he go next?" I questioned frantically.

"Pirate Cove is the closest place." Zach responded. 

"Yeah, but I don't think he goes in there. Rarely the West Hall on CAM 2A, either. He might be there, but I doubt it." I replied. 

"Check the door!" Zach commanded, noticeable panic in his voice.

I hit the light switch expecting Bonnie to be there. To my relief, he wasn't. I looked back at Z. 

"That leaves the Supply Closet." Zach and I said simultaneously. Zach hit CAM 3. Bonnie sat there, staring straight forward. 

"You stay right there Bonnie. Don't come any closer," I warned. I knew he couldn't hear me, but it made me feel better.

"Chica, Chica, Chica." Z mumbled, searching through the cameras to find her. He hit CAM 7, the restrooms. 

"She's there," he confirmed, looking at Chica. 

She stared at us, her jaw unnaturally hanging. My guess is that it somehow got unhinged or something.

"Are they even supposed to be this active on the first night?" I asked Zach. 

"I...don't think so. Not usually, at least," he replied.

I walked over to the desk against the wall and leaned on it, crossing my legs. I looked at the time just as 5AM hit. We sat in silence for a long while. I was tempted more than once to turn the fan back on to break the silence, but decided otherwise. 

"Close the doors!" Zach yelled at me, startling me out of me daze. I ran to the right, Bonnie's door, and then the left, Chica's door, slamming both red buttons labeled "DOOR".

"They out there?" I asked quickly. Zach only nodded. 

I hit the light on Chica's side and looked at her massive robotic figure looming over me. 

"Dang," I remarked. "That is one ugly chicken."

I looked at Zach and then back at the spot Chica had just been. She was gone. I opened the door, concerned about conserving power. We only had 26% left. I jogged over and checked Bonnie's door. Gone.

"It's nearly 6!" Zach yelled happily. 

"We can make it!" I yelled, lifting an arm in triumph. 

I watched as my view turned black and the time changed from 5AM to 6AM, coming up in white lettering while the victory bell rang. Never had it sounded so good. 

"I hope there isn't a night two," I added.

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