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I woke up on a carpet floor.

Carpet? I thought. Where am I?

I attempted to sit up, but was quickly reminded of my past adventures when pain shot through my ribs up to my shoulder. I immediately clutched my shoulder and squeezed my eyes shut. I pursed my lips, trying to disregard the fire resonating there. 

I felt my shoulder carefully, trying to get a picture of the damage. I traced along my collar bone, making sure it wasn't damaged further up. The only thing amiss was the sudden drop off against my shoulder. It definitely felt out of place. 

I moved my hand up to my face and rested it over my eyes. I took a deep breath, trying to ease the sharp sting tracing it's way down my arm. 

"Curse Scott for making the animatronics so strong." I muttered.

"Shhh," I heard a voice say.

I ripped my hand from the eyes and threw them open, searching desperately for the source of the noise. I saw nothing, as the room was pitch black.

I felt my head being lifted up and winced in pain, the unknown person moving my shoulder. They slipped a pillow under my head and carefully set me back down. I heard their heavy steps as they walked away. After a minute or so, they came back with a dim light, setting it on the far side of whatever room I was in. The light did nothing to reveal who it was.

They walked back over to me, something small in their hand. They bent down over me and timidly touched my shoulder. I sucked in a sharp breath, their touch igniting a flare of pain. They carefully lifted up my shoulder, wrapping whatever small thing they had in their hand around it. An ace bandage was my best guess.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked the stranger.

"You watched me die. It's the least I can do," the voice said. I recognized it instantly.

"Zach!" I yelled. I got up and tackled him in a one armed hug.

He sat up with me still on him, careful not to bump my shoulder or ribs. I still didn't let go. His presence brought back the awful memory from last night. The vision of his death flashed in my mind. Such a cruel ending to the kindest person I'd ever met. I buried my face into his shoulder, resisting the urge to cry again. 

"I thought you were gone." I sobbed on his shoulder. "I never got the chance to say goodbye."

 He patted my back a couple times, remaining silent.  

"How are you alive?" I asked him, still not moving.

"I don't know. We were fighting, Ennard threw you back, broke my neck, and next thing I know, I wake up here." He explained. 

I didn't say anything. After a moment, he spoke again and pointed to the TV beside us. "I saw you, you know. The game was on the screen."

I felt my face go red again.

"I'm sorry." he stated.

I hugged him tighter, determined not to let him go this time.

"I thought you were dead." I said, holding back tears.

"I know." He said, sympathy in his voice. "I'm so sorry."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. "Where are we?"

"Your basement. There's nobody here though," he replied. "We're back in the real world."

I just sighed, enjoying the moment of piece. No animatronics, no life and death situations, and most importantly, Zach was alive.

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