Traumatic Nights

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I woke up again on a hard tile floor. I opened my eyes slowly this time, ready for anything. Nothing was above me. I groaned as I sat up, putting my hands behind me to hold my weight. My head throbbed. I noticed that Zach was still unconscious laying to my right. 

I slowly got up and looked around. There were two vents, one to my right and one on my left, and a big opening in front to me. I suddenly realized where we were.

"Zach. Zach get up." I whispered, carefully nudging him. 

"What?" he asked groggily.

"We're in FNaF 2 this time." I stated. 

This time it was my turn to help him up. I extended my right hand to him and he obliged, taking it. I pulled him up and onto his feet. 

"We're in FNaF 2, and you," I put my finger on his chest, making him sway backward, "get door duty."

He looked around. "What if there aren't any doors?"

I waved aside the comment, rolling my eyes. "Technicalities."

The phone rang. I didn't pay it too much attention, too fascinated with the new environment. I let it ring and then let the audio play out, listening here and there. 

"....noticed the older models sitting in the back room......We just use them for parts now." 

"....older ones shouldn't be able to walk around." 

Liar. I thought. 

I walked behind the desk, looking at all it's contents. There was a flashlight, a Freddy mask, a tablet, and two pairs of the same glasses from last...night? Game?...either one. I grabbed the flashlight, turning it on so it beamed down the long hallway. Luckily, it was empty. I then grabbed the glasses, tossing a pair to Z and then putting them on myself. "Night 2 - 12 AM" came up in the upper right corner and a battery symbol with four bars on the upper left. Time to play round two. 

I went first to CAM 11, the Prize Corner. I wound the music box from a quarter missing to full. Then I checked CAM 5, the Show Stage, CAM 8, the Parts/Service room where faceless Bonnie, Foxy, and old Freddy sit, and CAM 12, Kid's Cove, where Mangle lay. Nobody had moved so far.

Good, I thought to myself. Let's keep it that way.

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Zach grab the flashlight and shine it down the hallway.

"Anything there?" I asked.

"Nope," he reported.

The time switched to 1 AM. 

"One hour down," I confirmed, "five to go."

Zach scoffed. 

"Problem with my math?" I asked, fake offended. 

"No. You just, make it sound easy. I don't know," he defended. 

"Eh, good point." I nodded. 

I flipped back to the Prize Corner, winding the music box back to full. I flipped through majority of the cameras, all of the animatronics in their places, until I got to the Show Stage, that is. Chica was missing. 

"Chica's gone," I told Z. 

I went through all the cameras, finding her staring at CAM 7 in the Main Hall.

"She's in the Main Hall," I informed Zach, intent on keeping him updated. It was life and death, after all.

I flipped back to Prize Corner and wound the music box, satisfying the marionette once again. 

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