Motion Trigger

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"Daddy isn't watching." A little girl said in the darkness. That was the beginning of a terrible, terrible night. 

I sat up in a jolt, the distant hum of a fan the first thing to penetrate my senses. Then my vision cleared, revealing that I was descending in a circular elevator. It was dark and grim. 

I scooted back so I was leaning against the wall. I looked around to see posters of animatronics hung on the walls with the little light I had.  Zach was to my left, still in whatever form of unconsciousness we had been thrown into between every game. 

As we descended, the air chilled. It nipped at my exposed skin. It was at that point that I realized I was wearing a jacket over my security guard outfit. From what I could tell, it was black. I looked over to see Zach had an identical one on as well. I took mine off and balled it up, carefully lifting up his head and sliding my jacket under. After all, laying on the metal flooring couldn't be comfortable. With my jacket now off, I shivered. I rubbed my arms in a pathetic attempt to get warm. 

"Why does game five have to be underground?" I muttered.

I sat back down and leaned my head against the elevator wall, giving a deep sigh. I was there for a couple minutes, listening to the hum of the fan. The constant wirr serving as a sedative.I tilted my head to the left just enough to see Zach. Hair had fallen in his face. I brushed it away, careful not to disturb him.

I jumped and stood up as a voice abruptly started talking. 

"Welcome back to your last day on the job. That is, the last day of your first week. Some of the most valued qualities that we like to see in new employees are determination, fearlessness, and a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation. You've earned your one week bonus which will be given to you in the form of a delightful gift basket, the cost of which will be taken out of your next paycheck. We have gift baskets containing fruit, nuts, flowers, and of course, the ever-popular cash basket. Using the keypad below, please enter the first few letters of the gift basket you would like to receive."

A yellow keypad came up, barely missing my face. Plastic animated eyes were glued to the top and Mike was written on a small piece of tape below that. Under that was a screen with a keypad. The keys glitched and moved rapidly with the jiggle of the elevator. 

"A fruit basket because who doesn't like to throw fruit at animatronics?" I  snickered. "Doesn't matter. It'll be exotic butters anyway."

I tried to push "F", but I ended up hitting about three other letters. "Error" came up in place of the keypad.

"It seems you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will autocorrect it for you. Thank you for selecting Exotic Butters."

"Called it!" I yelled happily. 

The voice continued. "Please be aware that there are still two technicians on site today. Try to avoid interfering with their work, if possible. Also, feel free to ask them why they are still there, and encourage them to go home.''  

"If they're not dead." Zach commented. 

I looked over to see that he was standing next to me and had my jacket draped over his arm. 

"Joyous as always, I see," I said sarcastically, tilting my head and smiling. He tilted his head and smiled back. I giggled. 

The elevator screeched and shook. Instinctively, I put my hand on the back wall for support. We came to an abrupt stop, the elevator setting us down roughly. "NIGHT 5" showed up in my vision in white letters. After about 3 seconds, it faded.

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