New Game

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I woke up to find myself laying flat on a cold tile floor. I opened my eyes to find Zach leaning over me. I jumped and sat up immediately, scooting back from him, putting my hand over my heart.

"My goodness Zach. Don't do that!" I gasped, my voice high and shrill. 

"Sorry," he hummed, extending his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me up in a rough jerk. 

After I was on my feet, I looked around. We were in a room that looked exactly like the security room in Five Nights at Freddy's. The fan was going, the posters and children's drawings were hanging up, and Carl the cupcake sitting there, staring at us. 

"What do you want Carl?" I muttered rhetorically. "Stop looking at us. It's creepy." 

I widened my eyes, pretending to have a staring contest with him. As I watched him, he blinked. I jumped back, freaked out. My back hit the desk and I just sat there, stunned. 

"What? What is it?" Zach asked, concerned. I just looked at him blankly, and then back to Carl. 

"It..he..Carl..." I tried to say, motioning toward the unnatural cupcake. 

Zach sat next to me and looked at Carl, trying to see what I had. Sure enough, Carl blinked again a few minutes later. 

"Eww," Zach grimaced. "That's creepy." All I could do was nod, unable to take my eyes off of the strange cupcake-animatronic hybrid.

"Anyway," I said, snapping out of my stupor. I looked over at Zach and suddenly became very aware of our clothes. "Umm, what are you wearing?"

"Huh?" He questioned, looking down at his outfit. It was a light blue button-up shirt with a black tie and black pants.

"Looks like you're a security guard." I announced. 

"Yes it does," he agreed, looking up at me. "What about you? You look like one too." 

"I do?" I questioned, looking down at my own clothing. My shirt was a darker blue than his, but otherwise, we were wearing the same thing. I looked over at the desk to my left and saw a black hat sitting on the desk that read "SECURITY" in bold white letters. I snatched it off the desk and put it on Zach's head. Surprisingly, a perfect fit.

"There. Now it's official." I chimed.

He took it off, looked at it, and then slipped it back on his head. 

"What now?" He asked. Just as he finished, the phone rang. We both looked at it, not knowing what to do. After 2 more rings, he reached to pick it up, but I grabbed his hand before he could pick up the phone, fearing who would be on the other end. Unfortunately, the message came through regardless of the fact we didn't answer.

A voice came from the phone's speaker. Phone Guy, as he was widely known. "Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night." 

The message continued, word for word from the game. After three minutes, Phone Guy finally finished.

 "Y-Yeah, they don't tell you these things when you sign up. I'll chat with you tomorrow. Uh, check those cameras, and remember to close the doors only if absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright, good night."  

We sat and listened to the whir of the fan for several minutes, traumatized that we had to play the game in real life. If you died in the game, you could just repay it. However, actually being in the game, it was different. The threat upon your life weighed heavily on your shoulders. The animatronics seemed much more menacing and large.

"We better get moving," I finally said to him. "They'll be active soon."

"Yeah," he said, breaking out of his trance to look at me. "Yeah. Good idea."

I walked behind the desk, seeing an ipad and two pairs of fancy looking glasses on it. I grabbed a pair and put them on, curious as to what they'd do. I felt them, wondering if they had some special purpose other than to wear. I felt a bump on the right earpiece. I realized it was a button. As soon as I hit the small button, a battery symbol and a percentage came up in the bottom left corner of my vision, along with the time and "Night 1" in the upper right corner. I turned on the ipad and unlocked it, hitting the camera to "CAM 1A - Show Stage". All the animatronics were still in their places. Bonnie with his guitar, Chica with her cupcake, and Freddy with his mic.

"Alright. Everyone is in their places. Night one is usually easy. Bonnie is usually the only one active. Now to just, not die..." I trailed off, not sure how I could turn that sentence back around. "Anyway. Take these." I said, throwing Z the other pair of fancy glasses. "Push the button on the right side. Time to play the game." I said, determined to finish this alive. 

Zach hit the button, looked at me, and adjusted his hat, determination in his eyes with just a hint of fear. "Let's go," he nodded.

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