Chapter 12

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The only sounds that were made in the quiet house were Jace's and my own breathing, the tearing and cutting of the bandages and the rustle of the wind blowing through the trees outside. It was late when I had finally finished helping Jace and making sure that all the dirt was out of the cuts so there was no chance of them getting infected before I covered them. I was incredibly particular.

After cleaning up the mess I made and packing away the first aid kit I turned around and leaned back against the edge of the bench crossing my ankles and rubbing eyes with my finger tips. I hadn't noticed how late it got or how tired I was until now.

Jace soon came back with the glass of water he had offered me and stood right in front of me, a little closer then I would've liked.

"Thank you for helping me," Jace said when I took the water from his grasp.

I nodded my head in response downed half the big glass in one gulp, not realising how thirsty I was either.

Jace chuckled at the view and moved a little closer making me push myself right up against bench trying to give us some distance but he didn't seem to like that idea and moved forward until my crossed ankles were in between his feet. I put my hand up to his chest, fingers lightly touching his warm skin to not let him move any closer.

But for some reason I couldn't help myself and lifted my hands up to his neck where the bruised finger marks were showing on his skin. "Someone tried to kill you."

I heard Jace breathe, "but they didn't."

I lightly brushed my fingertips along where his opponents hands had been, starting from the back of his neck and sliding it to the front near his Adam's apple making him shiver. "They tried though."

I imagined Jace lying on a cold concrete ground with another guy on top of him, punching him and then wrapping his hands around Jace's neck, squeezing so hard Jace's face going red and then purple. I imagined his life going through his mind, he must have been thinking he wasn't going to get out of it, I know I would've. I clenched my jaw at the thought and felt a tight pain in my chest.

"Hey, I'm okay," Jace reassured me, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me against him.

I took a deep breath and felt tears surfacing my eyes. I refused to cry.

"Shh... It's okay."

I shook my head against his shoulder, "you could've died."

Jace started swaying us from side to side in the small bathroom and I felt myself grip his sides, his warm skin coming into contact with mine. The bathroom was cold but I felt the warmth from Jace's bare body against mine warming me up slightly.

I felt a sense of calmness being in Jace's protective embrace. It was a strange feeling, definitely not one I was used to. It felt completely different than the small one he gave me just the other day. This one was nice, comforting.

Jace stopped swaying us after a few minutes sensing that I had calmed down. He leaned back slightly, looking at my grey eyes with his hazel ones for any type of sad emotion I may of had.

"It's nice you care so much about me, sweetheart," Jace said with a wink.

Well there goes the moment.

"I never said I cared."

"You don't need to say it. Actions speak louder than words."

I tried to think of a come back. I actually tried really hard but instead I just glared at him because for once he was right. Actions definitely spoke louder than words.

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