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Chapter 14

As Alice turned around she was in the middle of asking if everything was okay but she never finished the sentence. Instead she froze, her eyes on the young girl in my arms.

"Who's that?" Lisa asked, looking up at me with her bright blue eyes and pointing her small finger towards Alice.

"That is my friend from school Alice," I told her. "Alice," I addressed, "this is my younger sister Lisa."

I was nervous. I had no idea how Alice was going to respond.

The first time she came to my house or was even around me, she was very weary and it took her a few times to get somewhat use to me. For some reason I had a feeling she was going to crawl back into that shell that she was just starting to come out from. I hadn't intended her to meet Lisa for a little while because I wanted her to trust in me enough that she would be able to be comfortable around me and meet Lisa instead of getting to know me and meeting someone completely new.

"I - I have to go," Alice said, her grey eyes never straying from Lisa.

"You don't have to," I told her. "There's plenty of food for all of us and I'm sure Lisa would love for you to stay. Wouldn't you, Lisa?" It was a cruel move to use the child but I didn't want Alice to go anywhere. I wanted her to stay and spend more time with her and get to know her.

"Yes!" Lisa said enthusiastically, wriggling in my grasp until I let her go. Once her feet touched the floor she ran over to Alice standing in front of her. "Please stay Alice."

Lisa was cute and she knew it. She could play it if she wanted to but more then less of the time she didn't need to.

Alice though, didn't break. She didn't even waver.

"I have to go."

She looked at Lisa for a few more seconds before looking up at me. Her eyes no longer the blank stare they had, instead they were taken over with fear.

"Let me get my keys."

"No, it's okay. I need the walk."

"I'm not letting you walk home at this time of night." I told her.

I watched as she walked away from Lisa and then up the stairs to my room.

Lisa looked a little confused and hurt and as much as I wanted to deal with her I had to deal with Alice first.

"Lisa, can you please go put your pj's on?" I asked.

She nodded her head and bounced over to me and then up the stairs. I watched her go into her room and once she shut the door I walked into mine. Alice was there shuffling through her papers and shoving them into her bag not caring how neatly they went in. She was a mess, but why?

"Alice, please let me take you home. I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you.

She slipped her bag onto her shoulder and faced me, fear glazed over her eyes. "I'll be fine, Jace. It's not the first time I've walked home at this time."

"Alice, stop being difficult."

"I'm not doing this. You don't need to worry about me, I can take care of myself."

I didn't want to argue with her, especially after she was so close to opening up.

"Okay." I moved out of the doorway and then followed her down the stairs to the front door.

I opened the front door for her and straight away the cold icy air hit us. The stars were out so I knew it wasn't going to rain, but that meant it was going to be a still night which in a way was worst. I couldn't believe I was going to let her walk.

"Wait a minute." I grabbed my warmest jacket that was hanging on the hook by the door and held it up for Alice to slip her arms. "If you're not going to let me drive you home the least you can let me do is to try and keep you warm."

She hesitated but gave in. What she was wearing would've done the job but at least I would have a bit more peace knowing she would be a little warmer.

She faced me, "thank you, Jace."

"You're welcome, Sweetheart." I pulled the hood over her head. "Keep warm, stay safe and please let me know when you get home. If you get into any trouble call me and I will be there in two seconds."

Her eyes slipped behind me but then looked back at mine. "I will."

I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her into me and then releasing her into the dark, cold night.

When she was out of my sight I shut the front door and locked it.

"Why doesn't she like me?" Lisa asked, head peering around door frame. Of course she was confused, no one has ever treated her like that.

"I'm sure she likes you. She just doesn't know how to show it sometimes." How do you explain to a five year old that some people are just closed off?

I picked her up and sat her on the stool in the kitchen while I finished dinner.

"Oh," she tried to understand. "Does she like you?"

"I hope so."

Leaning my head back against Alice's locker and closing my eyes, I tried to block out the hum of the students conversing in the hall. All night I was up thinking about Alice. Especially how closed off she became when she saw Lisa. I'd understand why she would freak if she thought Lisa was my daughter but she wasn't and Alice knows that. So why was she scared.

I wasn't able to completely register the fear that was in her eyes until I was laying in bed. Sometimes she wasn't able to hide the small flicker of happiness in them when I said a stupid joke but other then that she always had on a blank face. Except last night.

What made her so scared?

Did she not like children? Can that be a legitimate fear?

"Man, you look knackered."

Opening my eyes Adam and Blake were standing in front of me with raised eyebrows.

"I am. Didn't get much sleep last night."

Blake gave me a mischievous grin, while Adam winked at me.

"Someone keep you up last night?" Asked Blake.

I shook my head at what he was implying and even though technically Alice did keep me up all night, I was not going to tell him that.

"Do you think someone could have a fear of children?" I questioned the guys.

"Are you two thinking about children?" Adam asked.


He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess... Why's that?"

"Alice met Lisa last night and she seemed to freak." The boys and I were close, as much as I didn't particularly want to tell them about last night I need other opinions.

"She knows she's your sister and not your daughter, right?" Blake queried.

"Yes, that's why I don't understand why she freaked?"

Before we could say anything else the bell rang signalling it was time for class and Alice hadn't turned up to her locker.

Did she see me and want to avoid me? I know she got home last night because she let me know, but was she sick from walking? I wouldn't be surprised, it was freezing. I can't believe I let her walk home.

Thoughts upon thoughts were piling up in my mind and they were just going around in circles.

Hey hey everyone! Here's another small filler chapter! Hope you enjoy 😊😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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