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It was late at night on a Saturday and I was on my way home from grocery shopping.

Normally, I would either do my shopping in the morning or afternoon on a Saturday but I had fallen asleep after doing my homework and only woke up at seven o'clock and by then it was pitch black outside, but I had no choice, seeing as I had no food in the house.

The handles of the plastic bags were grasp tightly in my hands and I was currently walking on the dull grey pavement, kicking a few loose rocks around. There were small lights, along the side making me able to see where I was going every few seconds. The atmosphere was quiet, except for the gush of wind making the leave rustle around in the trees. Looking up at the sky, there was no moon or stars, just dark almost back clouds hiding away the sky's true beauty.

Continuing walking, I past a dark alleyway and was stopped by the echoing sounds of cheers. It was faint but I could easily hear it.

Confused, I gave a quick look around the deserted place and decided to go and check out whatever was going on. It was probably a stupid idea walking down a dark alleyway, late at night by myself but I guess for the first time in a while my curiosity got the best of me.

Making my way down the dark alleyway, my flat combat boots were clacking against the pavement causing a little bit of echo bouncing off the walls with the cheers but as I walked further I soon saw a little bit of light and the sound of cheering got much louder.

A bright light blinded me and once my vision cleared the scene in front of me was something like you'd see off of a movie.

There was numerous people or all different heights and sizes, all dressed differently standing in a circle while shouting and fist pumping, some with money in their hand.

I put my grocery bags in one of my hands and used my other one to push through the large violent crowd of people to see what the big commotion was. When I finally got to the inside edge of the ring what I saw in front of me was something which I was nowhere near expecting.

The scene in front of me was two sweaty guys one with their shirt off and the other's ripped. One of the guys were incredibly buff with over bulging muscles while the other guys muscles were more leaner and fitted his body shape almost too perfectly.

Jace had his fists up blocking his face while hunching over a little so his forearms were covering any blows the opponent would throw at his stomach, although from the way his stance was it was obvious that he already had already taken a couple of blows there. Jace was shorter and smaller than his opponent which made him faster and able to easily dodge the attacks which were thrown at him, although with the blood dripping from his eyebrow and bloodied dirt smudge across his cheek meant he also already had been hit a couple of times there.

But Jace's injuries were nothing close to the other guys. The large man had blood dripping from his forehead, lips and nose. Dirt from the floor, covered every visible inch of him meaning that Jace had somehow be able throw him the floor and at that accusation I felt my eyes widen.

The crowds cheers were muffled with Jace's name and Liam, I think was the other guys name. Although when Jace threw a punch to Liam's face causing more blood to pour out of his nose the crowd went insane, but Liam was able to quickly recover by throwing a couple of quick sneaky punches to Jace, only one hitting face making blood drip from his lips and nose as well.

I guess the rumours about him fighting were true.

The fight continued on but when the two started circling, attention only each other, Jace at the most random time started forward lifting his leg to kick Liam in the gut, making him double over and then I watched as he brought fist up, colliding with Liam's Jaw making him fall back, unconscious.

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