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The weekend came and went along with Monday and Tuesday, but as Wednesday rolled around I felt myself begin to worry. It was a strange sort of feeling that I hadn't felt in quite the long time.

Why was I worrying?

As much as I didn't want to answer the question, I knew exactly why and who I was worrying for. Jace.

He hadn't messaged me all weekend like he would normally do, telling me something funny that had just happened or shown up to school Monday and Tuesday. Was it because of my reluctance towards the hug? Was he avoiding me?

We hadn't been friends all that long but for some reason we had been growing close in these past few weeks that we had been together. Whether it was me going to his house to work on the assignment, hanging out at the cafeteria and classroom or going out for lunch.

We'd joke around and just talked about whatever was on our minds, so I didn't exactly understand why it would've hurt him to much, if it had.

By the end of the day I had made a decision to go around to Jace's. He wouldn't answer my texts or my calls and I couldn't help but start worrying about him. It may have been a bit of a rational decision and a selfish one at that, I didn't care. He was the only one who made an effort towards me and I felt that if I did this, even if he didn't want to see me, I did try.

But what if he didn't want to see me? What if he was trying to avoid me? I shook the thoughts from my head and made my way to Jace's house.

It wasn't raining today which was a relief seeing as I was walking. The walk didn't bother me even with the strong winds whipping my hair all around the place and drying out my lips. If anything, it made me feel refreshed. I found it nice being outside in the cold hair after being stuck inside with numerous students all sweating under the heaters.

Finally arriving at the house with the most beautiful garden I had ever seen; always took my breath away when ain saw it.

When I saw Jace's red car in the driveway I felt the thoughts from before creeping back into the front of my mind but I quickly pushed them back and walked up, knocking on the front door.

I waited a few anxious seconds and there was no answer. Again, I tapped the front door with my knuckles a bit louder this time and waited.

Waiting a bit longer this time, I brought my fist up to knock once more but heard the door click and open to reveal Jace.

I couldn't help but gasp, moving my hand in front of my mouth.

Jace's face was covered in dark purple and red bruises around his left eye, cheek and lip. There were scratches all along his right cheek which looked like they had been bleeding. I looked at each and every mark on his face before noticing the finger like bruises that were around his neck making me take a step back. Someone had tried to strangle him.

"What happened?" I whispered, not being able to take my eyes away from his neck.

"Hello to you too, sweetheart," he grinned but quickly realising it was a bad idea with the injuries.

"What happened?" I asked again, voice coming a bit more firmer.

"Got into a fight," he replied casually.

"Obviously. Are you okay?" I brought my eyes back up to his hazel ones to make sure.

"Are you worried about me?" He smirked, leaning his shoulder against the doorframe.

I was caught with the question. I was worried about him but I didn't want him to know.

"This was obviously a bad idea," I quickly said letting the thoughts come to the front of my mind. "I'll see you when you're back at school."

I turned around and started to walk away when his large hand gripped my elbow, much like that first time when he wanted to know my name.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Please stay." Jace said in a quiet voice.

Turning to face him, I looked at his gentle hazel eyes. I nodded my head and was guided into his house. I followed Jace into his kitchen noticing that a few of the pots that were normally on the windowsill and had different herbs growing in them weren't there anymore.

"So what are you doing here?" Jace asked, a mischievous grin coming onto his face.

"Uh... You weren't at school and you didn't answer my text or calls..." I trailed off realising how stupid I sounded and what a terrible idea this actually was.

"Sorry about that. My phone smashed during the fight and so my screen doesn't work." I felt incredibly stupid.

I nodded my head, "well, I just wanted to check up on you and I got all my answers so I'll leave you to it."

"You don't have to go."

"I really should."  I started to turn.

"I need your help," Jace hurriedly said.

I raised an eyebrow. "With what?"

"My uh.. back was hurt in the fight..." He ran a hand through his hair before continuing, "and I haven't been able to mend it because I can't reach it."

"Oh," was all I said when I felt my heart ache in my chest.

"I thought while you were here you might be able to help me like last time," he said almost sheepishly.

"Of course," I rushed out. There was nothing worse than having an injury you can't treat.

I would've asked about going to the hospital but I knew what Jace did was illegal and he wouldn't be able to go without questions being asked. I followed Jace to the bathroom and watch him pull out a first aid kit from under the sink. I looked over what was in it and told Jace to remove his shirt which ended up with him winking at me and me blushing.

The bathroom was smaller than mine and so we were a lot closer than what we were before. My breath got stuck in my throat when his lifted his shirt over his head making his toned abs come into view a few bruises and cuts on his sides.

"That offer for a picture is still up if you want it," he said lazily.

"Just turn around." He did as he was told but of course had to throw a wink in.

Once he was faced away from me I couldn't help the small smile coming onto my lips. He was a cheesy flirt and yet I liked it.

I looked down at his back and felt horrible for Jace. There were scratches and bruises along with what looked to be like whip slashes going in all different directions on his back and obviously had been bleeding, I felt the pain he must be going through. Because he wasn't able to treat his back the whip markings looked infected making me wince.

"Jace... Does your mum know about this?" I asked in a small voice, putting some of the rubbing alcohol on his back and making him grip the end of the bathroom bench.

"Yes." He simply answered.

"Does she ask you to stop?" If I was his mother I would. I wouldn't be able to stand it if my son came home looking like he did.


He seemed like he didn't want to talk about the situation anymore so I dropped it and continued my fixing him up. Every now and then he would wince when I touched the deeper cuts but there wasn't much I could to help him with the pain and I felt horrible about it. I tried not to feel bad, he did put himself through this but something kept nudging at me about the marks. How did someone make those marks? It could've been from a knife but the cuts weren't deep enough.

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