Chapter 13

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My weekend was full of the usual things I did. Work, homework, house work and working out. It was pretty ridiculous now that I thought about it, but that was my life, work, work and more work.

Jace and I had organised to go to his place after school on Monday so we could finish up our History assignment which was due this week. I couldn't believe how fast the last few weeks went and how comfortable I had grown to be around Jace. It was new but it was nice.

I was currently at Jace's house sitting crossed legged on his bed with papers on my laps and surrounding me, covering the whole bed which resulted in Jace sitting on the floor, back leaning again the bed and reading through his papers. We both seemed to be really getting into this assignment, probably a lot more than we should. How I realised this was, we had all the information we needed a couple of hours ago but we just kept finding out more stories and facts that interested us and we couldn't help but look it up.

The words on the page in front of me were starting to blur all together as one, making me look up from it and thinking it was time to take a break. I looked over at Jace and looked at the bruises that were on his face. They were starting to fade along with the scratches but it still pained me to see them. My eyes traveled a little further down to his neck where the finger like bruises were also beginning to fade. I knew street fighting was dangerous and I knew that Jace was able to hold himself well, but the thought of someone killing him brought wave of emotions crashing over me again.

Jace looked over at me and tilted his head a little. "Everything alright?"

I refused to cry and knew that if I spoke I would be very close to it, so all I did was nod and kept a blank face.

He raised an eyebrow, "are you thinking about me being strangled again?"

I shook my head while still trying to keep a blank look on my face.

He put the papers he was holding onto the floor, moved onto his knees and shuffled his way so he was right next to me. "I'm okay, you shouldn't worry yourself.

"I'm not worried," I quickly said.

He gave me a dumbfounded look which I returned.

Of course I was worried but I refuse to admit it to him. All weekend I had these waves of emotions crashing over me just like when I first found out someone had tried to strangle him, and all weekend I tried to figure it out and just couldn't.

"Sure you aren't Sweetheart," he said with a wink, " but I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some dinner."

"Dinner sounds really good."

I moved the papers off of my lap and stretched out my legs before following Jace out of the room and to the kitchen. I watched as he pulled out a bunch of vegetables and some chicken thighs from the fridge and then walk into the pantry and pulling out some wraps.

"Now I know that you're not a vegetarian, how does chicken burritos sound?" He asked me.

"Sounds perfect. Can I help with anything?"

"If you'd like to start cutting the vegetables, I'll start cooking the chicken."

He set up a chopping board for me and laid a knife on it while I washed the vegetables. Jace then started cutting up the chicken and placing it into the frying pan that was on the stove top and each time jumping away so the oil wouldn't splash on him. It was silly but it made me give small smile along with a shake of the head.

We were pretty quiet during the whole process and then I realised how quiet the whole house was. I had been here since school had finished and only just noticed that there wasn't anyone home or that anyone had been home, I also realised the same thing the last time I was here. I hadn't seen anyone around the house.

"Where are your parents?" I couldn't help but ask.

I finished chopping up the last few vegetables, ran my finger along the side of the knife to get all of the pieces that was stuck on there and turned to place it in the sink.

"The father is at work and my Mum passed away a couple of years ago."

"I'm sorry, I had no idea..."

"It's okay, you didn't really know me that well."

It was true, I didn't know him at all except for what the students at school said. Still the thought of his mother passing away was a painful one. I noticed the way he said that his father was at work though. How often did someone call their Dad, their father? From what I know it only happens if the parents are strict and don't want to be called Mum and Dad or when the children don't have the best relationship between them.

"You're right," I said leaning back against the bench and folding my arms across my chest. "I didn't know you well and in all honesty, I still don't know know you that well."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "What are you getting at?"

"Why don't you tell me something about you?"

I didn't know why I was saying this because in saying this it meant that I would have to tell him something in return. I knew Jace was a good guy despite what he shows people and I knew deep down I could trust him to an extent, but I for some reason felt that he was in a similar boat to myself. Who can you really trust?

"Okay, if I tell you something about me you must tell me something about you."


He pushed the chicken around with the spatula while thinking about what he was going to tell me.

I was pretty nervous with what he would say and kind of regretted this even though I already knew what I was going to tell him. What if he told me something really deep? What if he told me a lie?

I watched him open his mouth but before he could say anything the doorbell rang. Who would be here at this time of night?

How I knew Jace was thinking the same thing, he looked at the clock that was on the kitchen wall with a confused face.

"I'll be right back," he said to me.

Nodding my head, I moved to take over his job at the stove and listened as he went to the front door

I heard the front door open and a second later a high pitched voice squealed out Jace's name, excitement clearly evident. The voice sounded young, but I couldn't be sure. I didn't think Jace had any younger siblings but at the same time I didn't know anything about Jace, but surely his parents wouldn't leave Jace to look after his younger sibling by himself?

But if they didn't, does that mean his parents are home? My eyes widened at the thought.

What would they think about me being here?

The thought of his parents being home though quickly vanished as I heard an women's voice talking very quickly but I could only pick out some words over the sizzling of the chicken.

"... Sorry... She... Go... Hospital..."

Who could be in the hospital? Was it one of Jace's family members?

A few seconds later I heard the front door close and Jace walked back into the kitchen.

Trailing in not to far behind him was a small girl with light blonde hair.

Hey guys! I know I already posted these chapters but they for some reason went out of order. So here they are again!
Also hoping to update again soon! Xx

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