Worst day......realization

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Jiyeon's POV

"JIYEON-SHI WAKE UP!!!YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL DON'T YOU?" My mom shouts from the kitchen. She's cooking breakfast for me. This is the first day of school, new school, new friends, new enemies.

I take a shower and went down to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. When I finish eating I immediately went to school.

I look for my real best friends, Cerylle and Steeyah. You see I emphasize real, that's because all of my ex-friends are just left because they become the 'Miss Popular' and they treat me like I'm a disgusting person.

But most of all, the worst person I've ever known is named Oh Sehun. He always bully me sometimes physically, sometimes by the words he say.

I just don't understand I didn't do anything to him. Let me tell you how it starts.


First day of school, new school year, new friends,  everyhing's new.

I'm searching for my classroom but I bump with something or.......someone. I don't know its kinda hard. But when I look up I saw a boy that looks like he's just around my age.

"Uuuh....sorry I'm not looking where I'm going....sorry again" I apologize again and again.

'Ugh! stupid girl!" He raised his voice a little.

"Whoa! didn't you hear what I said? are you deaf or what? I already said sorry!" I deafened

"Aish! GO AWAY!! I don't need your sorry! you did it already, you can't take it back!" He pushed me away from him but I fell on the floor flat on my butt. *it kinda hurt you know!*

When he saw me fall on my but he just look at me and laugh.

*Naughty boy.... AISH!!*

~end of the flashback~

So that's the reason why he become my enemy.

Ooooooh..speaking of the devil! He's now entering the school with his group called 'EXO'.

*what a weird name*

His 'fangirls' are following him. Taking pictures of him secretly. I don't know what they like about him, I mean yeah he's handsome but his attitude? naaah nevermind! he's like a monster.

Someone poked my side on my ticklish part, and I hate it when someone does that. I turn to my back and saw Cerylle and Steeyah giggling.. aigoo this two are so childish.

We made our way to our classroom, trying not to encounter Mr. Oh or should I say Mr. Poker face.

We got to our classroom safely, finally. I wish I will not encounter him during break time....

~~~~fast forward (break time)~~~~

We we're walking at the hallway, making our way to the canteen. We we're chatting happily and peacefully but someone throw something on my back.

I turn around and I saw the one and only Oh Sehun. He's holding something and I can't see what is it. Before I turn around and ignore him he throw me the one he's holding.

*wtf is this? oh its an egg...GRRRRR*

He's getting on my nerves!!!

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!'' I scream at the top of my lungs. yeah my high pitch scream.

Sehun just laugh at my reaction. I can't hold it anymore so I run away from the canteen. I heard Cerylle and Steeyah calling me from behind, but I ignore it and keep running away from them crying.

Steeyah's POV

I give Sehun my death glare and made my way to him, how can he do that? especially to a girl like Jiyeon, she is a sweet girl, kind and so helpful she is a friend that anybody can have. But him, does he know how to treat a girl?

When I was in front of him he's still laughing, I just can't hold my anger so I slapped him hard, that's when he stopped laughing and look at me.

"YAH!  why did you do that? it hurts!!" He complained while holding his right cheek.

"Oh! it hurts? that pain is not enough for all the pain you cause Jiyeon! You've already cross the line! do you even know that because of what your doing to her she even tried to cut, that's all because of you! so think before you act you stupid bastard!" I said and we get out of the canteen to search for Jiyeon. I hope she's okay...I hope she doesn't do anything stupid.....

Sehun's POV

I'm left dumbfounded of what she said about Jiyeon. Did she really tried to do that. I caused her too much pain. I feel really......guilty

What should I do to make it up to her? I know she hates me. What do I do?

~~~~fast forward (Sehun's house)~~~

When I got home I saw my parents are talking with a girl, she looks just around my age, and she seems familiar....

*Oh shit!! That girl! why is she here? what is she doing here?*

"Annyeong eoma, Annyeong apparently.....a-a-anyeong Ha-Hani"

I hesitantly great Hani. She's the most annoying girl in this wolrd. She keeps on following me everywhere I go, she's like my tail.

"Aah, Sehun-ah you're here! we have a news for you.....Hani will be living here! with us!" apparently said with excitement in his voice.

"Yeah! isn't great?!" eomma

"Yeah....that's ....that's g-great"

"Why don't you show her where will be she's sleeping" eomma

"Do I have a choice?" I said silently so they cant hear, but I guess not.

"Are you saying something Sehun?" appa asked.

"Ahhh ani..nothing" I said and smiled sarcastically.

Hani followed me to her room but when we got there she pulled me in and he kissed me. IN MY LIPS!!!! My first kiss is taken by this stupid girl.

I pushed her away and I stared at her with shocked expression.

"Yah why did you do that?"

"Why? can't I kiss you? you don't have a girlfriend anyway" she said in her annoying voice.

"I do! I do have a girlfriend" Oh shoot! why did I say that!?

"Who is she? is she beautiful than me? is the sexier than me? huh? huh? answer me!!!" she ordered.

"Uuuuuh.....I'm tired I'm going to sleep" I get out of her room and she keeps calling my name and I ignore it. Tsch soooo annoying!!

But I have a problem. Who's going to be my fake girlfriend?

Ugh!! What have I got myself into?


Annyeong chingus!!! so heres the first chapter, hope you like it!!!

sorry for not updating soon!!





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